Chapter 1

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"What would you say to that?" Jessica sat at the kitchen table gesticulating with excitement, as if she were painting a picture with her hands, "Three months' vacation in a heavenly place where the nature is undisturbed by the modern day's commotion and pollution. Singing birds, blue skies, crisp air, maybe even some wolves howling at night. Wholesome, old fashioned food made only with the purest ingredients; you know like those restaurants "from farm to table". How's that for an awesome adventure?" She looked hopefully at her sister with her warm brown eyes.

"Do places like this exist or you are quoting another historical document of yours?" Anabella smiled sarcastically and went back to the coffee maker to get another cup of coffee. Jessica as a history professor at the University of California was always buried deep in some historical document or other. She had so many titles by now that her sister could not recollect them all. Anabella was glad and proud of her sister's accomplishments. Anabella always said jokingly to everyone that their parents got at least one smart child. Jessica was not only her wiser older sister but also Anabella's rock. There were plenty of times that Anabella did not know what she would do without her sister. Although Jessica breathed history, she was very practical and cool headed. Anabella always compared herself to a stereotypical blonde, but it was not a fair description. The family laughed that one of them must have been a milkman's daughter because even their looks were opposite. Where Anabella was a fair, blond, green eyed girl, Jessica had a luxurious brown hair and hazel eyes. Upon closer inspection one could notice subtle similarities bonding them together, like their elegant height, full lips and a frown they both made while in deep thought. Now Jessica sat at the table in Anabella's tiny dining room, drinking sparkling water and telling her things that sounded like a fairy tale.

"I am most serious right now Bell," Jessica continued, "I am working on a new paper about the old Russian wooden architecture. I have been researching for a long time the abandoned villages in different parts of Siberia. Finally, I have a chance to do some groundwork, take pictures, make drawings and etcetera. It's important to me."

"Oookeey..." Anabella said slowly playing with a strand of her long hair. "I just don't know what it has to do with me. Why do you think that I would be willing to go backpacking into Siberian tundra to be eaten by a bear? Or a tiger for the matter. You know they have Siberian tigers there," Anabella looked at Jessica, "That's why they are called Siberian and they are very big." She stretched out her arms to intensify the meaning. "I saw them on Discovery Channel. I will not even mention that we would have to drink gallons of vodka with the natives just to befriend them and I don't like vodka. Well, at least not straight. Remember what our Babcia always said "I don't trust Russians; they are savages at heart."" Anabella tried to mimic Babcia's voice every time she repeated her wisdoms.

"Bell!" Jessica raised her eyebrows and voice, "Mind what you're saying please! I never knew you could be so prejudiced. You are an educator for God's sake!"

"I am not prejudiced," Anabella replied, "Just don't like Russians."

"That's exactly what prejudiced is!" Jessica shook her head," You are being silly now. Babcia lived through hard times in history. She had a right to her feelings, but you are a spoiled girl living a good life, so you don't have a right to speak so badly about anybody. Plus, you don't know any Russians so be quiet and listen." She rolled her eyes in exasperated manner. "Give me another croissant please. Your silliness makes me hungry," Anabella went back to the kitchen counter while her sister continued, "I found an old man there that would be a valuable source of information. He lives nearby many of those villages and is more than happy to cooperate with me. In fact, he appreciates my efforts to preserve this important part of the Russian history and would be my guide. He lives on a small farm near Chumikan."

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