Chapter 10

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The final days passed faster than Anabella expected and wanted. Through the whole summer she longed to go back home, but now with every passing day, Anabella felt overpowered by a growing sensation of anguish. She did not have many opportunities to be alone with Maxim because Aleksey was determined in his old-fashioned ways. It did make her smile a lot; she liked his outlook, it reminded her about her own family. Maxim though was frustrated by the whole situation. Jessica sat every day at her laptop working diligently. The field work being completed, now she was organizing all the materials. Kevin followed Wolodia or Aleksey all over the farm. He was saddened by the approaching departure like everyone else. Although he missed his father and the PlayStation, he was extremely busy every day and loved it.

One of the evenings Jessica sat with Anabella on the porch, relaxing after dinner. Jessica handed Anabella a glass of wine and for a while they listened to the nature getting ready to sleep, swinging on their favorite porch swing.

"Are you ready to tell me everything?" Jessica looking at Anabella. Anabella looked at her surprised and did not respond. "Com' on," Jessica nudged her, "It's time to be honest. I will do my best not to put my five cents in," she giggled. "Did you know Maxim came to talk to me?" Anabella threw her another astonished look.

"He did?! He didn't say anything," Anabella looked away from her sister and glance in the direction of the workshop.

Jessica sipped her wine, "I'm afraid he didn't like what I told him."

"Jessica!" Anabella was angry, "How could you? It is my business. I decide what is right for me, not you and not the rest of the family, nor Maxim." Jessica noticed that Anabella's eyes glistened from impending tears.

"I'm sorry baby girl," Jessica pushed a strand of Anabella's hair from her sister's face, "I realized now that I should not meddled. I am sorry." She rubbed Anabella's arm, "Let me hear your version now."

"Oh Jess! "Anabella's defenses broke down under a gentle but penetrating stare of her sister and single tears rolled down her cheeks, "I think I'm in love with him."

"Shhh," Jessica wrapped her arm around Anabella, "Don't cry sweet pea. If you feel it's a real thing, I will support you. You shouldn't be sad about it."

"But, I am Jess," Anabella sobbed on Jessica's shoulder, "I cannot be with him. How do you imagine that? You know I would never leave you guys anymore; I already made that mistake once. And...and..." she kept sobbing. "...he's here to take care of his old father. I would never ask him to move back to the States for me. I wouldn't do it. And... and... "

Jessica walked to the table to get a napkin for Anabella. She sat back down next and handed her the napkin to wipe the tears. Anabella blew her nose and looked pitifully at her sister, "And there is David to consider." She sobbed again.

"Let's not be so melodramatic," Jessica's practical mind kicked in. "I'm sure there is a solution to every situation. Did he talk to his father?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask him. You see the whole situation is very complicated," Anabella snuffled and played with her glass of wine. "Even if I won't be with Maxim, I can't come back to David after what happened. It wouldn't be fair." She began crying again. "Oh, Jess, I've messed up everything as usual."

"What do you mean? What happened?" Jessica wrinkled her forehead and looked at her sister narrowly. Anabella did not answer. "What happened Bell, you may as well tell me now?" Jessica demanded.

"Nnn...othing. Really," Anabella's cheeks reddened, and she drained the whole wine from her glass.

"Aha!" Jessica nodded knowingly, "You slept with him, didn't you?" But she still could not grasp the idea of them two being in love, after the entire summer spent avoiding each other. Anabella nodded and picked up the bottle of wine from the floor to pour more in her glass. "When did you manage that? You guys were like a cat and a dog for the entire time," Jessica asked bewildered.

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