Just One Kiss?

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It was the afternoon when we had finished the mission. We roamed the city trying to enjoy the rest of our day in the city. We walked by this clothing shop that sold evening wear. The gowns and suits were advertised in the front of the store and they were unlike anything I had seen before. Rogue stopped once he noticed I was no longer pacing beside him. 

"Do you have anything to wear to the ball this weekend?" 

"No", he replied. 

"Neither do I let's go in." 

I dragged him by the arm into the store. I began searching for a dress to wear through the racks. I stopped when I noticed that Rogue just stood there watching me. 

"What are you doing just standing here, go look for a tux or something." 

"I don't know what to wear."

 I began laughing at him. " You can't pick your own clothes." He looked away in shame. 

"Fine, I'll pick something for you."

 I went to the male section and began picking up anything I thought he could pull off. One plain blue tux, a beige one with a red tie, a striped tux and plenty of other contenders. I made my way to the changing room where I saw Rogue sitting. Beside him were a handful of dresses. 

"Here you go Rogue." 

I handed the suits to him and he went into the changing room to try them on. He came out of the change room wearing a khaki suit that was paired with a patterned orange and grey tie. It hugged his frame and emphasized the size of his arms showcasing his strength to the world. "Okay, this one is really good. If you're tryna get laid this one will do the job."

He began checking himself out in the mirror. 

" A suit is enough to get a guy laid?" A suit has more power than it is given. "Do not underestimate the power of a good suit."

Rogue tried on the last one and I immediately knew this was the one. It was a dark blue pinstripe suit that perfectly complimented his dark hair and pale skin. He exuded power and wealth which was enough to have me on my knees. I slowly began nodding with my mouth open.

 "This is the one." he said. Rogue then handed me the pile of dresses that I saw laying beside him earlier. 

"Try these on" I was shocked that he had chosen clothes for me. 

"What?!" He began shoving me into the fitting room so I could change while he sat comfortably on the couch. I put on the first dress and had the biggest facepalm moment. It was all cleavage and had a gigantic slit going up to my upper thigh. 

THE DRESS: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0293/9277/products/PrettyHurtsDress-Burgundy_MER_760x.jpg?v%3D1591229887&sa=D&ust=1595260805086000&usg=AFQjCNGQSTAggJCJE-4kPN5Xef1oS5fPWA

"Rogue, I'm not coming out of this changing room wearing this let alone in public."

 I could hear him moving on the leather chair. 

"Come out, get out of your comfort zone."

"You look really sexy."

My gaze dropped to the carpet and I began eyeing the floor. His voice raspy when he said, "It leaves very little to the imagination but still makes me wonder what's underneath."

He was flirting with me. I could handle it usually and brush it off without another thought. However, now that I was standing before him in what could barely be called a dress, I was very vulnerable to his words. Rogue stood up off his place on the couch before me. I felt one of his arms wrap around my back nearing dangerous territory as he pressed our bodies together. I had no idea what was going to happen next, my heart beating fast with anticipation. 

"What are you doing?"

 I asked not really expecting him to answer. I could feel Rogue looking down on me as I watched his shadow on the floor.

 "Look at me", he said.

 I was too afraid to meet eye contact and found comfort in the details of his shoes that would have gone unnoticed.  His hand continued its journey down to my ass and he asked, "Should I finish what I started on the train?". I look up and into his eyes. In that moment looking into his eyes I think I c saw lust. I began awkwardly laughing and then pushed him off me.

"Good one Rogue. Ha ha."

He didn't move from his position. He just tucked his hands safely into his pockets and stared at me not laughing along.

"Anyway, I am not gonna wear this."

The lady who owned the shop appeared out of nowhere and said, "You guys make a very cute couple." Before I 

correct her Rogue spoke.

He grabbed my waist once again and said, "Thank you! isn't she just gorgeous?"

The lady came closer to us and said, "Absolutely. Darling that dress looks ravishing on you. Your boyfriend won't be able to keep his hands off of you."

Rogue slapped my ass playfully, I played along giggling like a mindless sheep.

"I hardly can now."

The store owner begged to take a picture of us together for a picture of couples she keeps at the front of her store. "We have a train to catch soon. I'm sorry but we are gonna have to leave." Rogue completely ignored what I had said and begged me for a kiss.

 "Come one babe. One kiss won't cost us our train ride." I glared at him, not caring that the store owner saw.

I turned to the store owner and said, "He cheated on me and I'm not ready to forgive him yet." I began shedding fake tears trying to scare her off.

"All the more reason to do it. This kiss will be the first step to healing. Now I need to see you do it."

Bruh. Rogue was now smirking. I glared at him to stop with that snarky gloating. My own plan had backfired on me. This lady was not going to let me go until I kissed this bastard. I was ready to make it a small little peck, nothing too crazy.

"Make sure it's passionate. Express all the hurt and pain into that kiss."

She was one step ahead of me. Now I had no choice but to make out with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got on my tippy toes. I leaned into his ear and whispered, "When we get out of here I will kill you." I cupped his head in my hands and smashed his lips onto mine. At first, I was the lead, guiding his lips and tongue where to go. I made sure I put a passable amount of effort to satisfy this woman. However, I awakened something within him that made him take charge. He grabbed my hips and pressed them against his body causing me to let out a gasp. He seemed pleased as I could feel him smile even with my eyes closed. I pushed him off me only for air. Rogue was an excellent kisser. Plenty of experience had done that for him. The woman was satisfied and left to do her job. I rushed to the changeroom as fast as a girl wearing a dress can without saying anything and tried on the second dress. This one was a lot more modest when compared to the last dress. The cleavage was not very predominant but it still had a gaping slit that freed the majority of my thigh. I was sure this was the one. I did not get out to show Rogue. I put on my regular clothes and got out.

"Hey why didn't you try on the other one."

"I did." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Why didn't I see it." I responded, "because you're a dick." 

Author's Note: How did ya'll feel about that kiss?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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