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| November - Friday |

"Excuse me" I bravely asked the shopkeeper as I wandered back inside after I'd eaten, "do you by any chance know anywhere nearby I could charge my phone?"
I was trying to seem natural because I didn't want someone to question why I was hanging around alone or ask where my parents are or anything like that. The man on the till was super nice so it put my nerves at ease slightly.
"You can charge it in the shop if it's desperate. There's a plug near the back door, just don't disturb any customers okay." He said in a soft caring voice before I headed in the direction he had pointed.

I plugged in my phone and watch it flash on after a few seconds. Okay, I thought. Today was Friday and I just had to figure out how to get to Sheffield by Monday, yes. Monday 30th 8-11pm I notes in my head. When my phone loaded, I began to google how far away from Sheffield I was 22hours 12minutes walking. I crossed that off the options because I honestly didn't know if I would have the strength to walk that far. 1hour 35minutes on the train, now that seemed like a better option. Tickets were super expensive for the train but I figured I had two days at least if not 3 to somehow make the money for the train ticket. I waited for my phone to fully charge and then I made my way out the shop and down the road to a local shopping centre outdoor area type place.

That was it, as soon as I saw this tall girl dressed in a rainbow sweater with cropped trousers and funky earrings playing her guitar for passers by I knew what I had to do. Busking would be my perfect opportunity to get the money I needed for a train ticket a possibly even some extra. I was a singer after all so it made sense. I went to Primark and used some of the money I already had to buy a plain cheap bucket hat as my money collecting hat and then continued to walk around the outdoor area till I found an area to busk with enough people but no other buskers.

Hmm song choice? What should I sing I thought as I sat down by a brick wall. Musical theatre, pop, throwbacks? Something new I thought. Ah 'Chromatica', the album I heard every morning on the bus to school before holidays started. Everyone knew it so it should be perfect. I stood up and after taking a few deep breaths I began to sing the song 'fun tonight' with an instrumental track off YouTube playing on my phone. At first nothing, no response but then a little girl who must've been about 6 stopped to listen to me and began to dance. It made me smile and my confidence grew as I began to dance along with her as I kept singing. This caught the attention of more people who began to form a crowd and drop money into my hat. I was proud of myself and I was having fun and feeling free for the first time in a long time. I was happy. I sang other songs and people even requested things for me to sing which I did if I knew them. Within a couple of hours it quietened down but I had already nearly made enough for my train ticket.

I made my way back to the bench in the park to sleep because it strangely felt safe to me and luckily it hadn't rained yet despite it being the end of November. But then it happened, I must've have jinxed it because as soon as I got comfortable, droplets of water began to run down from the leaves of the trees above and I was becoming soaked fast. I ran towards a sheltered bus stop where I spent the night and left soon after waking up before anyone else appeared.


The next few days passed by quickly as I continued to busk in the same area, moving around slightly every so often and getting changed in the park at night so people didn't notice I was staying on the streets. By Sunday night, counting up all my earnings, I realised I had many more money than expected so I quickly used my phone to book tickets and turned it back off. I'd been keeping it off to save my battery as I didn't really have any reason to need to use it. I'd done it, ran away from home, survives on the streets, made money and booked a train ticket one way straight to Crystal Methyd. And above all that I even had a present I could offer Crystal as I remembered how I'd grabbed my sketchbook in the midst of packing essentials when I left home and it was full of my drawing and paintings of both Crystal Methyd and her girlfriend and another one of my idols Gigi Goode who I was set to meet in January. I was sure that would still happen after I'd managed what I had in the last few days. I felt like I could do anything and Crystal and Gigi really gave me my motivation even if they didn't know that.

I walked the next couple hours to the train station which I had to use google maps to find so I wouldn't get lost. When I got there, it was a while before my train which was set to arrive Monday morning around 8:00. I found a quiet hidden place where I sat down on the ground and found myself falling asleep. Luckily for me I woke up with the sun as I had been doing most days so I was still early for my train. When it eventually came I stayed calm and acted bravely as the ticket man came to check my ticket and luckily he didn't ask or suspect a thing so I just enjoyed the trip and rested in the comfort of the train while I had the chance. In only a few hours, I was going to watch my idol Crystal Elizabeth Methyd perform right in front of my very eyes. And although I did not have meet and greet tickets because they had sold out, I would do everything I could to meet her. I was so excited.


A/N - I hope you are enjoying so far, I know there hasn't been any Crygi yet but they're both joining the story next chapter I just wanted some build up first.✨

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