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A storm was brewing in Silverveil. 

Dark clouds rolled menacingly across the sky, blocking out the bright blue sky that had been there a few moments ago and the sun's last rays. 

It was sudden and unexpected, and the daytime animals of the forest scuttled back to the safety of their homes. The wind howled louder and louder as it shook trees to their roots. Lightning tore apart the sky, and thunder boomed loudly. 

Another flash of lightening split the sky, and for a millisecond it was as if glaumora itself was illuminated brightly. The thunderbolt zigzagged across the heavens, before hitting a tall yew tree that had stood proudly for many centuries. 

Unfortunately for the tree, its time was over. It had lived for hundreds of years and knew that sooner or later, it would have to go. But it was much more worried for the owls who nested in its branches and hollows. However, before it could think about anything else, it erupted into a magnificent burst of flames, and the tree was devoured within a minute. 

The fire quickly spread from its branches, leaping from tree to tree. The acrid smell of burning leafs and twigs filled the air. Creatures scurried across the forest floor to the Silver River to get to safety. 

Normally, the forest fire would've been stopped by the Silver River, before dying out by itself. However, this fire was different. When it reached the Silver River it was so fierce it jumped right over. It continued burning everything in its way mercilessly, like a hungry fire breathing dragon. 

As it was daytime, most of the owls were caught off guard by this. Usually forest fires never crossed the Silver River, and most of them were asleep right now. Hoots and screeches filled the burning day as they struggled to save themselves and their family members. The chaotic scene was like from Hagsmire itself. 

Finally, the fire reached an old beech tree in the Brooklets, where many owls lived, including a large family of Greater Sooty Owls. 

Every owl has a story. This is one of them.

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