The Emperor/Leader of Humanity

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Name:Viktor Stefan SlovenskiAge:259 years oldFather name:Yuric Slovenski (KIA)

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Name:Viktor Stefan Slovenski
Age:259 years old
Father name:Yuric Slovenski (KIA)

Name:Viktor Stefan SlovenskiAge:259 years oldFather name:Yuric Slovenski (KIA)

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Family History:-
His born in Warsaw, Poland.His's father service in Poland Army.During 1939,The Alien or know as Ostroni is invade Earth and kill very single human.British, American, Soviet Union,Nazi Germany, Italy and Empire of Japan declear war on The Ostroni.At that time, Yuric was the 2nd Lieutenant and command of 42nd Shock Battalion of Yuric's name.He impressed his commander officer and he promoted into captain.1945,Yuric and his Battalion get mission to blowing Ostroni Mothership at Berlin,German.After 3 hours,He sets up explosion like C4.He get hit by Ostroni Officer and he killed that thing.He said his battalion to get away from this mothership.Meanwhile, he don't want to get away from this thing because he protect that C4 form Ostroni.He said his friend to give message for he's wife and son for the last time.After 200 years later,The humanity is take revenge of Ostroni because take a billion alive.Humanity take Viktor Stefan Slovenski as Leader or Emperor of the Humanity because they are know who his father.

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