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I was shocked, to say the least. I had only been in this school for 5 hours and I had already made the front headlines on the gossip room. I felt my blood run cold as I watched the post along with the comments. Are students here that eager for drama. It was a post that had shown me and Liam hugging, but really made my blood boil was the caption below along with the comments.


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Curlyhead.jay.- Out of everyone in the school school she choose the outcast? Thats wack.(2,345 likes <3)

Avery.Queen.Bby- Imagine coming to a new school and already hoeing around (2,448 likes <3)

Therealest_D- Wait isn't she related to the Russo brothers(2,223 likes <3)

Your_localNerd- It looked like she knew him.(1,964 likes <3)

HeartlesssBixtch- Wasn't she in a foster home or something.(1,367 likes <3)

Guns&Roses_Mia- some of yall are so nosy if you were smart enough you would realize that she most likely knew him(523 likes <3)

Jock_Bigbrock- @Guns&Roses_Mia Can you shut up like nobody cares about what you have to say(1,000 like <3)

Sesxy_and.IK.It- Looks like lil carter the looser has already got a hold on her, Ima put him in his place and steal her away. That will put the looser in his place(1,223 likes <3)

Playa.Rex.&Baes- Carter already claiming the new girl lets see about that. Lmao that looser has nothing remember the incident with becca.(898 likes <3)
_______click for more comments_________

I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want the comments to get to me but I was getting so angry I couldn't help myself. They had the audacity to call me a hoe for one guy that I haven't seen in 3 years. It was honestly none of their buisness to even judge. I also recognized one of the comments to be Avery. Although I was confused by the last comment. Who is Becca?

Jadelyn looked over at me cofused.

I angrily handed the phone over to her and her eyes widened.

She looked at me apologetically as if it was her fault. It really wasn't fault. Although I was just wondering who made those posts on instgram.

"Im so sorry I didn't know you would be on there", she said worried.

"Nah, its not your fault but do you know who posts these", I asked curiosly.

I wanted to fight them and flip there asses to the ground.

"Actually I know I said they're a clique but nobody knows who they actually are", She said.

"Ive tried to investigate a few times since I arrived to this school in Febuary but I had no luck, they spread terrible rumours about me when I first arrived. The rumours where cleared out but ever since then I decided to keep to myself. I don't like involving myself with toxic bitches.", she said.

"A few rumours have gone around claiming that the gossip account is run by some people from the populars or even the Nerds",she said.

Im not a big fan of investigations but I was willing to find out hopefully with the help of Jadelyn.

Then the final bell rung and people started rushing outside. Most of them were staring and whispering at Jadelyn and I.

Let the gossip begin.

Me and Jadlyn decided to ignore them.

"so do you wanna reopen the investigation?", I asked jokingly.

"Hell yeah!, I thought you would never ask", Jadelyn said smirking mischeviosly.

We both doubled over in laughter until Jadelyn suddenly stopped looking over my head nervously.

"What...?", I asked curiously.

She was still looking over my head.

I slowly glanced over and standing over me was my 2 brothers Jace and Luca giving me a deadly and cold stare.

uh oh

Jace grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car with Luca stomping to the car. At this point they were causing a scene and we had the attention of most of the school outside.

"Hey let go!", I yelled.

but all he did was hold on tighter causing me to wince in pain. None of them cared that I was in pain.

I should have never let my guard down because now they're surely gonna hurt me based on their faces which were filled with anger.

He threw me in the car roughly allowing me to sit in the back by myself. When he threw me I hit my ankle on the bottom of the car, causing me to wince again. Although they still ignored me. They were obviously blinded by rage.

"Whats your problem!", I yelled.

Jace sped unto the road gritting his teeth and gripping the steering wheel, and luca was clenching his jaw angrily.

They still ignored me which im not gonna lie hurt.

Then they started talking to each other as if I was not even here.

"I can't wait till we get home and we tell Flavio, lets see how the rest of them react", Luca said.

"Her punishment is not gonna be light", Jace said.

I gulped. What did they mean by punishment. They were so mad. Oh God no. I hope they're not gonna treat me like David did. I don't want a punishment. I thought it was over.

My eyesight went blurry for a second and my heartbeat quickened. After a few minutes I pulled myself together.

We pulled up to the house and Jace dragged me by the same wrist as before and headed out the car. There was a bruise on that wrist now. One of my brothers actually hurt me and it was Jace. I never expected Jace to drag me like that.

This time im not gonna let them harm me at least not without a fight.


A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday. Im really excited for this next chapter and you guessed it more drama is up ahead. How did you like this chapter.

How do you think her brothers are gonna react? What does she mean by put up a fight?

Thanks for 8K VIEWS! :)

Also thanks for giving my book a chance<3

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