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"Hey, did you know ninjas exist?!" My friend Jumi informed me excitedly. I rolled my eyes as I plopped down on my bed. Jumi and I were having a sleepover at my house. I like her personality and she's just a great friend overall, but she can get too loud and overexcited.

"It's true! My brother said he's saw one! Well...before he died," she said, her voice lower.

"I don't believe in ninjas," I told her as I grabbed my hair brush off of my small side table beside my bed. I began to brush through all my tangles. Everyone said my hair was pretty, that it was the perfect black with a tingle of blue.

The thing was, my hair was really wavy and it got knotted up so easily, like every five seconds.

I sighed as I put my hair brush down. "What's the matter?" Jumi asked, looking over at me. "My mom told me earlier today about this guy named Zei who apparently died. She told me he was my childhood friend growing up, but I don't remember him at all," I explained. I frowned as I tried to push my brain to remember, but I got nothing.

"How did he die?"

"She just told me he went missing, but people say he got murdered."

"If he went missing, do you think he's still alive?" Jumi asked, taking full interest in the topic. I shivered for some reason. "Uh, well, I don't know," I answered her honestly.

We heard a rustle outside. We both looked toward the window. I just realized it was still open and I got up to close it. "Probably the wind," I assured her to put her at ease. But honestly, I was a little frightened as well.

I returned back to my bed and watched her as she concentrated on painting her toenails. She was on one of my beanbags. She was hunched over, full focus on her foot.

There was a knock on my door and my mother came in. "I made some hot chocolate it, if you girls want some." My mother was carrying a tray with two mugs on it. I grabbed both of them and set one down on the floor next to Jumi's foot.

"Thanks Mom," I said and she just smiled.

"If you girls need any help, let me know, okay?"

"Okay," Jumi and I said in unison. She had looked up at my mother. My mother smiled again and left the room, closing the door gently behind her.

"You know, your mom is so nice," Jumi said, taking her mug of hot chocolate into her hands. "How?" I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"My mom threatens me."

"Isn't it for a good cause?"

"I guess. Well, if I were a Mom, I would agree with what you were saying. It's just, I can't do one simple thing without my mom right behind me watching me like a hawk." She groaned while thinking about it.

I just chuckled as I took a sip. I pulled my head back when my tongue got burnt. "I hate when hot chocolate is too hot," I complained and Jumi nodded in agreement.

"Give me your feet. I wanna paint your toenails," she commanded as she put down her hot chocolate and held out her hands towards my feet.

"Um..." I was a little weirded out, but what can I say? That's just Jumi.

I obeyed her as I stuck out my feet.

The rest of the night we just talked about random stuff. Sometimes the topic of Zei would come up, but it made me a little uncomfortable for some reason. Then, we ended up just knocking out in a good deep sleep.


"Be careful!" My mom called out after Jumi and I as we took off down the gravel. Our favorite place to go was by this abandoned junkyard. Even though we were 17, we still played like little kids.

Nothing is wrong with that. We're practically just staying young.

"Dude, look at all these crushed cars," Jumi said as she hopped up on one of those. "I'm not very active in a skirt," I reminded her as I slowly climbed up on a different car.

"Oh my gosh, look at those shiny rims. They look brand new," I said in surprise.

It wouldn't be possible, cars are banned here. Whoever owns a car would be punished. "What do you think that means?" Jumi asked as she came over to sit right next to me.

All of a sudden we heard a deep and low growl. We turned our heads to see a large, scary looking dog, looking right at us. We screamed and it came running towards us. "Boomer! Get back here!" A scary voice yelled and the dog stopped.

A scary man came out. He had large muscles, tattoos everywhere. He had piercings on his lips and ears and he was tall. He looked over at us and began walking towards us.

"We're dead," Jumi squeaked out, terrified.

"What do you girls think you're doing here on private property?!" He spat out angrily, peering down at us. "U-Um, sorry, s-s-sir!" I stuttered out as I quickly scooted off the car, pulling Jumi along with me.

"We have come here for years, we didn't know someone owned it!" I defended, still scared. I'm hoping I don't regret saying that.

He seemed to relax a little, but he was still scary looking. "I've just bought this junkyard, now go before you're meals to my dog!" He yelled and we both nodded. We ran out of the junkyard and made our way back to my house.

"He's scary," Jumi said out of breath, stating the obvious.

"Yep," I responded, popping the way p. "Well, this means we have to look for a new place to go," Jumi said disappointedly and I nodded.

"I hear there's a river nearby. We can go check it out," I suggested and she agreed.


"We've been looking for that river for hours!" Jumi complained. She was right, the sun was already setting and I'm sure my mom was beginning to worry about us.

"Then, let's head back," I said and she really agreed on this one. "Do you know the way back?" She asked and I sighed, shaking my head.

"We're screwed," she stated, already giving up. We were in an area with a lot of big trees, roots sticking up everywhere. But the flowers here were pretty, their colors popped out brightly.

"You haven't even tried. Let's just try," I said, trying to get her motivated. "I guess," she mumbled, unconvinced.

We began to walk in the direction we thought we had come from. We heard the rustling of leaves and the crunching of dirt, like under someone's shoe. "I'm scared," Jumi whimpered as she stayed close beside me. "Me too," I agreed. Our pace began to quicken and so did the crunching of the dirt.

Then, something dropped in front of us and we screamed. The last thing I saw was a figure of a person before everything went black.


"I have two with me," a deep voice said.

"How was I supposed to get her alone when they were clinging to each other?"

"Fine, send Trey over. He can take her friend, I don't care. Look, I have to go before they wake up."

"Screw you!"

A slam had awoken me and I blinked away the sleepiness I had in my eyes. I looked around, finding myself in a dim lit room. It was large and the smell of wet wood lingered.

"Welcome to my basement," the same deep voice said to me. "I hope you enjoy your stay."


Well, wasn't that exciting o.o

Do you have an idea who he might be?

I really have high hopes for this story. I would really appreciate it if you VOTED.

Thanks a lot.(:

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