Chapter 1

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A/N: Please before reading this check out my note at the description of this story. Thank you! Enjoy!

Ava woke up on August 26th with a smile on her face. She had beaten the earliest of the three alarm clocks she had set by thirty minutes. The sun had barely started rising as Ava leapt out of bed.

She immediately raced into the shower, humming all the while. When she got out she brushed out her long brown hair, frowning at the frizzy mess.

Determined to look perfect she heated up her flat iron and painstakingly dragged it through sections of her hair. By the time she had finished she had managed to subdue her hair and made it look sleek and shiny. "Perfect." She grinned at her reflection in the mirror.

Ava then went back into her bedroom and proceeded to put on the outfit she had picked out the night before. She slid on a cute pink tank top, a really short black miniskirt, a denim jacket, and a pair of pink ballet flats.

Ava hurried back into her bathroom and put on foundation, eyeshadow, blush, eyeliner, and mascara. She made sure to emphasize her light blue eyes and erase any dark spots under her eyes from a lack of sleep due to excitement. She was surprised by how good she looked, she had never used that much makeup before.

Satisfied, she snuck into her older sister, Melissa's room. Melissa was a year older than her, a senior in high school, and one of the most popular girls in the school. Ava was positive that she would have some trendy jewelry that she could borrow. After having made sure that her sister was out of the room, Ava walked over to her sister's jewelry box and began sifting through the mass of bracelets and necklaces.

Ava quickly found a darling silver bracelet with a small heart charm on it and slid it on her wrist. Then she grabbed a long plain silver necklace and looped it around her neck.

She had almost left the room when she saw her sister's perfume bottle. Holding her breath she stepped forward to pick it up. After she glanced around the room worriedly she proceeded to spray it on her wrists. After hastily replacing the bottle Ava darted out of the room, hurrying downstairs.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Melissa and Laura, Ava's younger sister, looked up at her from the table. Melissa's mouth dropped as she took in Ava's appearance. "What happened to your sweatpants and hoodies?"

Ava simply shrugged.

"Ava's gonna snag herself a prom date!" Laura sang proudly. As the baby of the family, at only seven years old, Laura did not seem to have a filter, even when Ava had specifically told her never to repeat that phrase after the seven year old had overheard her saying it.

Melissa's shocked expression dissolved as she erupted into a fit of laughter. Ava slid into her seat at the table and put her head in her hands. "It's not a bad thing to hope for, right?" Ava's voice was filled with despair.

Melissa stopped laughing and looked at Ava's serious expression. "Honestly?" Melissa smiled, "I'm kinda glad you ditched the goth-look."

"I did not dress like I was goth! I dressed... I dressed casual! That's it!" Ava protested weakly.

"Whatever," Melissa grinned, "I'm just happy you're making more of an effort. I'm sure you'll have guys laying at your feet!" Ava beamed. "Just make sure they're the right ones," Melissa continued, "junior guys are stupid and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I know, Melissa, I'll be careful." Ava rolled her eyes.

"Ava's gonna snag herself a prom date!" Laura chorused again as all three girls started laughing.

* * *

"Hey, Ava! How was your summer?" Ava turned away from her locker at the sound of her best friend's voice.

"Avery!" Ava shrieked. "I missed you!" Ava rushed to hug her best friend, shrieking. After about a minute of inaudbile squealing, Ava backed away looking at her friend. "How was Italy? You definitely look tan."

Avery grinned brushing a strand of her long black hair behind her ear. "Italy was awesome. I just wish I could've gone to that fencing camp." She sighed. "It would have guaranteed me a spot on the team this year."

Ava shrugged off her friend's concerns. "There's no way you aren't getting on the team. It's me we have to worry about."

Avery sighed. "You know you'll get in, you're like the best fencer ever!" She poked Ava's arm teasingly.

"I swear I didn't practice once this summer! I didn't even excercise. I just stayed inside and binge watched everything on Netflix. Even really crappy shows!"

Avery scrutinized her. "Well you certainly seemed to have gained a few pounds." She teased. Then her grin slipped and she looked serious. "But seriously, you look different."

"Hm, do I?" Ava smirked, spinning in a circle.

Avery looked her up and down. "You're wearing make-up?" Her voice was incredulous.

"Yup." Ava said, popping the p. "How do I look?"

"You look incredible!" Avery responded. "But why are you wearing it?"

"It's our junior year!" Ava laughed. "Why not wear make-up? We were like the only two in the school who didn't last year!"

"What's so bad about not wearing make-up?" Avery questioned, a confused and almost hurt look on her face. "I thought that's what we did, defied the norm. That is why we took up fencing, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah" Ava shrugged off the question. "But I mean, look at me without make-up and, well, compare it to me with it!"

Avery's mouth turned down at the corners, as she gazed with concern at her best friend. "I thought you looked fine before."

Ava shook her head. "Of course I didn't. I just didn't realize how bad I looked at the time. I mean, look at me now! I'm in a super cute outfit, borrowed cool jewelry from Melissa, and am wearing make-up. I mean I put in effort getting ready this morning. As opposed to, well, you for example!" Ava gestured at Avery's sloppy bun, make-up-less face, sweatshirt, and jeans. "How are we going to survive our junior year if we don't look the part? I, for one, don't want to be anti-social anymore. I want to go on dates, get invited to parties, and enjoy one of my last years of high school."

Avery shook her head, cooly. "I don't know what happened to you this summer, but I don't like it. I'll see you at fencing tryouts. If you haven't already decided it isn't 'cool' enough for you." Avery turned from Ava and walked briskly away.

Ava stared after her friend in disappointment. She could not understand what Avery did not comprehend about her transformation; it was to make her even better as a person. She finished grabbing her books out of her locker and then looked again at her schedule. First period: honors history.

Ava started walking off in the direction of her class, smiling to herself. History class was not a bad way to start off the day. And who knew? Maybe there would be a cute guy in her class, or even better, more than one.

A/N: If you haven't already read my other book, The Text Message Love Story, you may want to check it out as the two main characters in TTMLS will show up soon, hopefully in the next chapter. Yes, you will all be able to find out what happened to Luke & Rose!

I also have to warn you that this book will be not be updated with any frequency. My work load this year is ridiculous, and I will update as soon as I can.

As usual, votes and comments are greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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