Chapter 6

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Mr. Weyland rubbed his temples as the helicopter door was slammed shut and the pilot quickly lifted off of the facility roof. He looked down, chuckling darkly at the quiet nature of the exterior, knowing full well the carnage that ensued on the inside.

How could it have happened? He had thought of everything. Every possible scenario, every sort of mishap. He had solutions, procedures, plans. Where did he go wrong? What did he miss?

He knew something was wrong when that scientists staggered into the room; eyes bulging, froth running down his lips, hands clawing at the air as if he were drowning. Weyland knew it. But, he should have known sooner. He should have known when their report didn't come back on time, but he had thought of a happier alternative, such as faulty signal or the fact that they forgot to push "Send." He should have known when the Queen became more willing to have her eggs taken, when she became more passive. He should have known when he felt her, her invisible eyes boring into him, overcome with such... malice. He could feel her hatred towards him, her unspoken desires to tear him limb from limb.

And yet, he had let it pass. He had done nothing. And now here he was, flying away while the Queen and her spawn rampage through the facility. He prayed for the souls of the scientists still trapped in that damn building.

As they flew away from the facility and over the beach, Mr. Weyland looked down at the scenery. The palms, the white sand... all so beautiful. Oh look, a gazebo. So many chairs it must have been a wedding. There's a girl. He leans closer to the window and squints. Must be a wedding attendant by the looks of that dress. She's staring up at the helicopter, watching them fly by. A sad laugh escaped his lips as the girl below flicked them off. Such spunk. Little did she know that he deserved it, for he had just dug her an early grave.

Mr. Weyland shuddered. This day would follow him. That poor man's screams as a demon burst through his chest still echoed in his ears. All of those petrified faces, those helpless eyes staring at him as their demise squealed from the twitching corpse. That girl, flicking him off without a care in the world, unaware of her coming demise. But as he closes his eyes, there is only one face he sees crisp and clear. Black as the void, large as life, evil as the Devil himself. Sitting in his mind, stalking him, never letting him forget.

Never wiping that monstrous smile off its face.

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