Chapter 2

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Elsewhere, along the Eastern coast of Florida, there was an air of unkempt excitement and anticipation within the walls of an undisclosed building. A group of young men and women were rushing down a bright, metal corridor, whispering and chittering amongst themselves about some sort of 'discovery' that was being brought in.

"I heard they found it in Antarctica."

"Where, in the ice?"

"No, on the ocean floor. I think a submarine found it."

"Is it alive?"

"Why would they bring it here?"

"Maybe because we have one of the largest facilities. It might be big!"

Such discussion continued as they made their way into a room with control panels, chairs, and a huge viewing window. The group crowded against the glass, trying to get a good look at whatever was being brought in.

From their vantage point, they looked down into a much larger room where people milled about like little rats. The space had the appearance of a hangar that was repurposed into a laboratory. There were multiple consoles, tables covered in tools, whiteboards and projector screens, and one large containment unit. As the crowd stood there gawking, something was being lowered into it.

It was absolutely massive. The was no other way to describe it. Just... massive. Its armored skin, an exoskeleton, really, was jet black. Sharp appendages protruded from its back and shoulders, and its frame was so skeletal that it was almost as if someone had vacuumed all the air from inside a garbage bag, making it cling tightly to whatever was inside. It sported four arms, two large and two smaller ones on its chest, long double-jointed legs, and a ribbed tail with a fearsome blade at its tip. Its head, however, was probably the most opposing part of its appearance. It was completely faceless, save for a mouth full of sharp transparent teeth, and the light glinted brightly off of its smooth surface. Its dome widened, sloped back, and flared into a colossal crest. Truly a terrifying sight to behold.

Once it was lying on the floor of the containment unit, they sealed the hatch and started pumping in oxygen. Everyone anxiously watched, breathless; the only sound was the hissing of the oxygen tanks. Slowly, the creature began to show signs of life; its limbs began to twitch, and it tried to its head, succeeding only in rocking it back and forth. Curiosity drew the people in the laboratory closer to the unit windows. Sensing the movement, the creature slid its head towards them, unhinging its jaw and revealing a secondary mouth that extended from its maw and snapped lazily at the air before retreating. Everyone gasped, jumping back in surprise and awe. They had never seen something as elegantly complex and potentially dangerous as this monstrous being. In fact, they were utterly mesmerized by it. However, the trance was soon broken, and the laboratory practically erupted into action. Lab coats, folders, and questions flew everywhere. Everyone searched their vast array of files and data to see if they had any information on this unknown creature. Hopefully, somewhere in humanity's past, someone had had the honor to be blessed with its presence.

"Here! I found it!"

In a flurry, everyone crowded around a single monitor. The file was a few years old and quite extensive, displaying hours of meticulously organized work. A large 'W' emblem could be seen in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

"Weyland Corp..." someone whispered from within the throng. An uncomfortable silence enveloped the room as they panned through the information. Apparently, humans had encountered it before.

The Xenomorph; adaptable, dangerous, and twice as deadly. They multiply fast and can easily get out of control. From the description given, it seemed like the Xenomorph hierarchy was similar to an ant hive. Thousands upon thousands of workers, all controlled by a single entity. A Queen.

The people looked up from the computer, now realizing that they were in the presence of royalty. The Queen was attempting to rise to her feet, wobbling and banging her head against the glass. She eventually succumbed to gravity, and the force of her fall shook the entire room, if not the whole complex. There seemed to be no limit to this thing's overwhelming strength. Once again, the people in the room were left reeling with ideas of what this Xenomorph could offer with just a few experiments.

"Magnificent, isn't it."

Everyone turned to see a middle-aged man leaning on the stair railings. His slate gray suit and black trench coat were a stark contrast to the bright silver surroundings. His stance was very relaxed, with his head cocked to the side and one of his hands placed into his pant pocket. He ran his free hand through his fading salt and pepper hair, whistling in admiration.

"Some of my people say that it's the reincarnation of death. But I say that it is gift granted to us." His footsteps rang out in the room as he descended the stairs. "A perfect organism."

He strolled right up to the containment unit and pressed his hand against the glass, closing his eyes. The expression on his face could only be described as one of insane love.

"And you are...?"

The man opened his eyes and turned to the questioner. He smiled, giving off the air of a man who was used to being in charge and unquestioned.

"My apologies," he took a small bow. "Charles Bishop Weyland, current head of Weyland Corp. And as of today, I'm overtaking this operation."

(Yes, there is an AVP reference. I couldn't help it. But I promise that there is no connection whatsoever.)

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