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My heart drop down to the earths core, he went through all that from 4 years ago. Ow

he was betrayed, used, threatened, and manipulated at the same time.

My heart ached and dropped, tears forming my eyes.

He's a sweet guy, even tho i only met him in one day, he seems very kind and loving. But him being treated like that hurts me.

He is an amazing person, who works hard. Who am i saying

its not like i know him a long time to know or if its true but i myself knows how to observe a persons intentions immediately

And its just...felix is just a kind person towards me that we can easily be friends, he joined my sight seeing, went to different places with him and was fun to hung out with.

Lyra..must've been blinded by fame and attention if she did that but why...

I was stressed out for just thatt information, but why idk its a feeling of wanting to help him... he must already moved on, so i dont have to worry.

All i have to do is be myself and have fun like any other day. Just be happy and if felix is sad then lets just spread our happiness to him

Good plan. Now lets eat thinking makes me hungry.

*As with felix...*


"HYUNG HYUNG HYUNG HYUNGGG!!!!" I ran down the hall to call for Louis hyung.

Louise turns aroun looking quite annoyed.

"QUIET DOWN YOU TWERP!" louise yelled and yanks me into his room "what do you want"

Louise then sat on the bed and i joined him.

"Sooo i want to make a request to our ceo" "huh why? Do you want something" "i want to be promoting with grey astor more" louis hyung looked at me seriously mixed with uncertainty

"Felix.." "its not the same situation as that bitch so please! grey is cute and soft, dante already likes him and i want to promote more with him."

Louise then crosses his arms and looked felix in the eye.

"And thats because?." "He is fun to be with and...uh.." "felix, do you like him?" "No no no i admire him and his features thats all" "felix you know im not homophobic, so you can tell me" "I know! But i dont like like him, i just like him" i said and started scratching my neck, as i avoid his gaze.

I huffed, then stood up, run open the door and stayed at the door frame to say the last worde before dashing into my room "pleasee let me do more promotions with grey!" And left.


As Louise's sigh, he heard door rang and comes in dante.

"he is just being oblivious about his feelings" he said as he lean on the wall facing louise.

"what can we do, he is scared that what happend 4 years ago will happen again. He's still cautious"

Dant the head to the door slowly.

"give him time... Oh! your bf is needy call him, he's spamming my dm's about you" "shit"

Dante goes out before he sees
Louise being lovey dovey with louise's baby. He then walked alone to his own room.

"how did he even found such a top guy, i thought he would be top but eh Ryan is dom...Aaron..."

A sudden image of Aaron pops up his mind, he frown in confusion and brushes his thoughts, then calls his cute lil sister

"Huh, why does it feel so fast???"


Felix lays on his bed with his arms on top ofp his eyes.

"I know he wont treat me like that bitch did, i just wished i can turn back time and just punch her guts out. But i was weak...i need to be stonger" he stood up and took a quick call immediately

"Manager can we appoint a gym when we get back? Yeah. Thank you" 3 days left before we head back to korea, he lets out a long and tiresome sigh, as he stares at the ceiling till he fell asleep.

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