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The plane had finally landed and im back home. Sunny California. I inhale deeply as i went off the plain.


I had fun in London, uk with big bro Aaron, dante, louise, and felix. Met 2 of my fans and got myself alot of attention too. Either way i had fun, i didnt want it too end.

Before leaving the airport back in london, Aaron promised me we'll all meet again and i wish itll come true. Felix and dante couldn't say goodbye because of felix's schedule but left a message saying goodbye. Made me happy from just that.

I walked silently, still smiling. remembering the things i did with them, as i walked unconsciously. I bumped into someone and I stepped back instinctively.

"Sorry" a man in a white tshirt, wearing ripped jeans and timberlands said and proceed to bow apologetically.

'Kinda deja vu.....'grey thought

"Oh dont worry its my fault for not paying attention" i said in a panic. The man smiles and patted my head. "Names zayn. Zayn micro" he said "my name is grey astor" i responded

He looks at me gently and again patted my head, he proceeds to reach into his pocket and gave me a peice of candy "pay more attention on where you walking ok." He said with a smile. I nodded and saw him turn around and walk away.

I was caught of guard in what just happend. I took the candy he gave and placed in my pocket, saving it for later. I continue to walk to the gates to leave, where my best friend aria is waiting for me.

Aria wanted to pick me up, so that we could go straight from the stories about my vist. She is felix's fan after all.

When i passed through the gates a loud noise was heard coming from my right. A female girl running towards me waving her hand up in the sky while still maintaining a smile.

Aria Stars.

"GREY!" she yells out, i smiled immediately and run towards her, Crashing ourselves in a hug while giggling in our actions. "C'mon theres alot too catch up on, grey" she said as she pulled my hand in the opposite direction.

I giggled again and followed her lead. She took me to her car and loaded her trunk with my baggage and off we went.

She started to drive and we blasted sime music to jam while we get to wherever aria is taking me. We jammed in her car, sang, acted like there was no one in the world.

Th car then stopped in a local Starbucks that was not packed, suprisingly. We hed on inside to order our drinks and sat down. We sat near the wall glass windows on those high chair tables.

While waiting aria scrolled through her phone a bit "ok so...tell me." She said not yet finished "what is this" she continued.

She quickly showed me her phone that had the picture of our photoshoot about the innocence and the rebellious. The picture she should me is the pic where felix lift my chin.

"Oh thats the innocence and rebellious photoshoot I've done with felix two days ago" i responded "I knowww BUT LOOOK HOW CLOSE YOU TWO ARE, OMG HOW DID YOU SURVIVE!LOOK AT FELIX SMIRKING IN A HOT OUTFIT is like HOT." she excitingly said.

She look back at the picture again fangirling about felix, i laughed quietly from her reaction.

To be honest i felt unusually laggy when im with felix, like when i woke up on top of him in the van, or when he was very close to me. Even those moments when he looks sad when i left i wanted to postpone my return home just for him.

I sighed silently catching aria's attention "you ok?" She asked me in a caring way while she gently rubs my back, i looked at her softy and nodded.

She look concerned towards me. We then both flinched as our names were called at the counter, ready to grab our drinks.

We both smiled back to each other and giggled a bit as we stood up from our chair to grab our drinks.

We hed out once again to arrive in a peaceful park to chat. It felt like a long time that i came to this place with aria.

We came here to rant and chat about gossips "so are you going to tell me?" Aria said and took a sip "about?" I questioned "your trip. You looked bummed out" she responded.


She's sharp as always.


I think i fell in love."

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