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*This is continuing from where we were in chapter 6 which is right before the last authors note*

It felt like hours that I had sat on that couch, pondering the many things that could be going through Harry Styles mind. Why now did he confront me? And about my flower crown? It didn't make sense.

 Despite my confusion and hesitation, I got up from my place on his soft leather couch, stretching my legs that i had been sitting on and heading towards the kitchen that I had previously heard him enter. I put on my best, I-am-not-backing-down face and pushed open the swing door.

At the sight of him I almost melted, my confidence purely lost and all the blood rushing to my cheeks.

There he stood in all his glory, t-shirt off and wearing tight black jeans that were..well…tight to say the least.

“U-uhm i just wanted to let you know that we’re a week and a half into our project and w-we haven’t gotten anything done.”

“Yes, I am well aware and couldn't give two shits, Louis”

Woah, he used my first name.

“O-okay..Should I-I start it, then?”  

It was a stupid question and I should've known the answer.

“What about “I couldn't give two shits,” do you not understand?” He spoke smoothly.

I took that answer as a yes and made my way upstairs. Harry had made it loud and clear that he wanted me no where near his room, so instead I continued down the hallway and into the study. 

I hadn't really remembered the study from when we were children. But as I stepped inside it seemed as though time had taken a leap into the past and all I could see was a younger version of me and harry, running around the study and hiding beneath the desks and books that were scattered around the room. The entire place was gigantic, but this room in particular seemed so big and full of memories, it engulfed me in a sense of warmth and longing. 

I long for the time when me and Harry were friends, just friends. I wish that I had never told him that I loved him, I wish that he didn't loath every part of me. 

I wiped the tears out of my eyes. How could I be so desperate and foolish? Believing he could feel the same. I was young and naïve, and I didn't know what I was feeling so I spilled the truth and there is no day I regret more then that one.

As I sat on the old leather couch and took out my notebook, I briefly skimmed through the song I had written not long ago. ‘Fall For You’ was written at the top of the page. I didn't have the chorus yet, but the title seemed fitting. I took out my pen and started brainstorming. 

the best thing bout tonight is that we’re not fighting,


could it be that we have been this way before?

I know you don't think that i am trying.

I know you're wearing thin down to the core,

But hold your breathe,

because tonight will be the night that i will Fall For You,

over again,

don’t make me change my mind,

or i wont live to see another day,

i swear it’s true,

because a boy like you is impossible to find,

impossible to find.’

“That was beautiful, Louis.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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