Chapter 1.

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"Stace, no. Stay with me. You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be okay." Emily said, running beside the stretcher, vision blurry with tears, arm aching but not enough to divert her attention from Stacie.

"Ma'am, stay back please. We'll take care of her." A nurse said holding her back.

"Please make sure she's okay." Emily whispered.

"We will ma'am, stay here, please." The nurse said before taking off after the others.

Being in a car accident never turns out good and Emily knew it. She couldn't lie, she thought the worst and she couldn't imagine life without Stacie by her side, she didn't know what to do without her. Emily was furious, her fists clenched at the thought of those kids in the pickup truck, going 140 in 55 mph lane, music blaring throught the speakers, their lights; off. Emily watched as they neared her car, she looked at the truck in the rearview mirror, and all of a sudden her car was turned over, Stacie's side was smashed in, and she was lying down, hands clutching at her bleeding abdomen. Emily scrambled to unbuckle her seatbelt and fell out of her seat with a thud. All she remembered was pulling Stacie out of the car through the broken window, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Em, I'm scared." She remembered Stacie say as she pulled the older woman's head on her lap.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay, baby"

"Em don't leave me, okay?" Stacie whispered, coughing blood.

"I won't, I'm right here Stacie, I'm gonna be right here for you, always." Emily sobbed, "Baby, help is on the way just hold on for me, okay? Hold on for me, Baby." She said before Stacie lost consciousness. Everything felt like a Haze, a lot of things happened, but it felt like a dream, like it's not real, Emily didn't care, all she cared about then was making sure her wife was okay, nothing else on her mind but Stacie, Stacie, Stacie, she has to be okay, she'd fought through everything she came across, and nothing had ever held her down, she has to be okay.

She paced the hallway, she couldn't stand it, it was taking too long. She didn't know what to expect, she leaned back against the wall. She wanted to tear herself out of her body, her eyes burned, head throbbed. She slid down to the floor hugging her knees to her chest, vision getting blurrier and blurrier. She knew she was injured but it didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was making sure Stacie was okay.

"Ma'am," a nurse said as he approached her, "we need to get you checked up, please follow me."

"No." She answered, "I'm staying right here, I'm not moving until I know what's going on in there."

"Ma'am, I know that you want to stay here and wait for any kind of news, but you have to get your injuries treated." He said gesturing to the cuts on her forehead.

"Please, let me with here, just until I know what's going on, I am just wanna know she's okay." She said, voice breaking, "please."

The nurse nodded his head in defeat and got up to leave. "Please be okay." She whispered. The nurse looked back to her, with pity and sorrow. His heart broke at the sight of the woman crouched on the floor, eyes bloodshot, hands cut and bleeding, face half covered with blood, and she'll refuse to take care of herself, she'll wait, no matter what, she'd wait for the love of her life, even if the sky falls out of place, she'd wait. And for what? A 50-50 percent chance of life of death.

"Cory, do you know how to call?" Emily heard a female voice say on the far end of the hallway, she didn't bother looking up though.

"No." Cory answered. Emily recognised the voice as that of the nurse who'd come up to her. She knew what she had to do... they have to know, they're family after all. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts, and clicked on Beca's name, the phone rang for what seemed like an eternity before the elder picked up.

"Hey Em, sorry I had my phone in the bedroom." Beca spoke through the line, "Is everything okay?" Emily's chest tightened, she struggled to keep her tears at bay.

"Becs," she started, voice betraying her, "we had an accident, it's Stace. She's hurt, badly." She said letting a tear slip down her cheek.

"Em, stay put, we're coming." Beca said and hung up, grabbing her jacket and car keys before rushing out of her penthouse. She called Chloe, telling her what happened.

Half an hour later, she'd pulled into the Hospital's parking lot and rushed into the E.R. and straight to the reception desk. "Anastasia Conrad." She said and glanced down the hallway, and saw Emily crouched on the floor, scared and alone. She couldn't hold her tears back, she couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Emily so small and broken. "Never mind." She told the nurse and walked over to Emily.

"Em?" Beca said. The taller woman looked up and Beca pulled her off the floor and into a hug. Emily didn't hold back anymore, she clung onto Beca, crying against the elder's shoulder. "Shh, Emmy. It's okay, she'll be okay."

" I'm scared, Becs. I'm so scared, I don't know if she'll make it. I can't live without her."

"I know, Em. But let's hope she'll be okay. She'll be okay." Beca said letting her own tears fall. Who was she kidding? She didn't know what would happen to Stacie, she knew fucking well she doesn't, but it seemed like the right thing to say at the moment. She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but soon enough, a rush of feet announced the arrival of eight other girls who loved Stacie just as much as Beca did.

Emily didn't know how exactly to look them in the eye. It felt like she'd forgotten who she's supposed to be. She's not the person she was, the accident ripped it out of her. The girls kept silent.

"Ma'am," the silence was broken when Cory came over again, "please let's get you checked up, we'll let your friends wait here."

"Go, Em. We'll wait here. You need to be treated." Chloe said, tears threatening to fall.

The woman just nodded and left silently with the nurse. Chloe sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I've never seen her so upset." She said, letting herself cry for the first time of the night.

"Broken is the word you're looking for." Aubrey said from behind the group, seated in the way Emily had been before. "Without Stacie, she's lost and incomplete. Heck, we all are."


I'm forgetting who I am (I need you to remind me). STEMILY. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now