Chapter 2.

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"I regret ever refusing to do stuff with Stace, I feel so bad for not spending time with her, and she was my rock, my anchor." Beca said, as she sunk into Chloe's arms. "I'm such a terrible bestfriend."

"No, you're not Beca." Chloe whispered to her.


"Mrs Conrad, can you tell me where your arm hurts?" The doctor asked.

"My forearm and shoulder." She answered emotionless.

"I see," he hummed inspecting the deel cut above her eyebrow. She winced at the contact of his gloved finger with his wound.

"Can we please finish up? I want to go see my wife."


"Any word?" Emily asked as she approached the group, with the tears still in her eyes, stinging.

"Not yet, she's still in surgery." Beca answered, "I sent Bree to pick up Bella."

"Okay," Emily replied, she had to stay strong, no matter what happens, she needed to be strong for Bella.

She noticed a doctor come out of the operation room, "Mrs Conrad," he started, Emily looked up, a faint stroke of hope lighted her up, "your wife is stable, but we can't guarantee that she can make it." She knew it, hope of recovery was too good to be true.

"No, this can't be happening. No!" She sobbed, falling into Beca's hold. The shorter woman let her down to the floor slowly, letting her cry against her chest. "Why is this happening? Why is life so cruel?"

"I don't know, Em, I'm so sorry." Beca whispered, sobbing. The girls watched in tears, thinking about how something so cruel and heartbreaking could happen to Emily, the person who loves too much for her own good... who showers the whole world with love and passion, this is far from what she deserved.

"Mom!" Bella shouted as she ran to her mother. "Mom, is Mama okay? She's gonna be okay right?" She asked
as tears streamed down her face, she knew what the answer was, she just needed confirmation. She kneeled down before Emily, waiting.

"Sweetheart, Mama's not gonna make it." Emily whispered as she pulled the child into her arms. "But we can say goodbye, while she's still awake."

"No, Mom, tell me it's a lie. Tell me she isn't leaving." Bella cried, she didn't want Stacie to go, she just didn't. "Tell me that Mom. She can't be leaving."

"I'm so sorry but, she has to go. I don't want her to go either but we have to let go Belle, we have to let go." Her mother said, rocking her in her arms.

"I don't want to let go, Mom."

"I know, sweetheart, I know."

"Uhh, guys they've moved her upstairs." Amy said, she'd been quiet most of the time she'd been there. "To room 212."


The elevator ride seemed to take longer than it should, everything seemed like it was in slow-motion. Emily couldn't believe she couldn't keep Stacie. After all the time they had been through together, in college, marriage, motherhood. It all comes flashing back; she remembered getting married, Bella just a couple of months old, she swears she'd never seen anything more beautiful than the woman walking down the aisle towards her, she remembered the kisses they shared while watching some cheesy rom-com on NETFLIX, she remembered the way Stacie would hug her from behind, she remembered the soft promises of forever whispered between the two of them in the depths of their highs in their throes if passion and love. And all of that would be taken away, she couldn't hold on no matter how hard she held on, no matter how tight her grip could get.

The group entered Stacie's room, the woman was awake but drowsy. "Hey." She said, her voice sounded dry and hoarse.

"Hey," Emily whispered back, pecking her lips softly, "how are you feeling?"

"Better because of the morphine," Stacie chuckled, "you look like shit, Em." Emily just smiled and kissed her forehead. "Hey, guys." Stacie said seeing the rest of the girls. Beca went forward and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"I'm so sorry, Stace, for not being a better friend to you," Beca whispered, "I failed you."

"Becs, you didn't fail me. I mean for one, I'd have never been happy if you hadn't given Em the green light to propose." Stacie laughed.

"Stop it, Stace." Beca said, smiling bitterly. You can count on Stacie Conrad to make you smile even if she's taking her dying breath.

"I thought we were here to see Stacie, not some roadkill." Amy said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Woah, I almost didn't see the blob. Have you been working out Patricia?" Stacie said.

"It's Fat Patricia, Legs. Not Patricia."
The rest of the women laughed a little. All except Emily, she knew she couldn't laugh anymore, not when all of this happened, she wasn't even sure if she could smile again.

"Baby?" Stacie called, voice weak and fragile, but still laced with love, care, compassion. Emily looked up at her. "Don't be sad, Baby. You'll be fine. You're strong and independent and amazing, you're gonna be just fine."

"Stace, I just don't wanna lose you. You're too important. I can't lose you." Emily said, wiping away the tears that had fallen from Stacie's eyes, those beautiful green eyes. "I love you, Stacie."

"I love you, Emily."

The door opened and Stacie saw her daughter walk in. She smiled weakly as the girl crept up on the bed beside her mother. "Mama, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for starting that dumb fight."

"I'm the one who's to blame for that fight. I should have just let you go to that sleepover."

"No, it was better at home. You and Mom were there. I don't need stupid sleepovers." The child said, making her mother chuckle.

"Guys, you know you don't have to watch me die, right?" Stacie said, bringing tears to their eyes. "I have Em and Bella here."


Chapter 2. is up.

Guys please, don't hate me.
I'm so sorry. Idk I was just chilling when inspiration hit. I don't remember the song I was listening to while writing this. It took me like 10 minutes to write the whole story. But I'm just having trouble with typing them here. Curse me and my big thumbs....... Anyways, I love youuuuuu.

Bye Cupcakesssss.

I'm forgetting who I am (I need you to remind me). STEMILY. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now