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"Mase, I really think your stomach bug would've been over by now." Esme told her best friend. Esme bears a groan come from the bathroom.

"It's been three weeks Mason! Are you positive your not pregnant?"

Mason wipes her mouth with a rag and opens the door. She narrows her eyes at her longest friend. "Esme, I am not pregnant. Stop asking that." Rolling her eyes at her friend, she goes to her bed and lays down.

Why does she think she's pregnant? She can't be. She has always used protection.

"Mason just take a test." Esme pleads. Mason groans in annoyance and throws a pillow at her blond headed friend.

"No Esme." Man, she really can get on Mason's nerves sometimes.

"If you really believe that your not pregnant, then you wouldn't have a problem taking a test."  Mason sits up from the bed, shaking her head.

"Fine Esme. If you seriously don't believe me then yes, I'll take the fudging test."

Esme smiles in victory and grabs a pregnancy test from her purse, making Masons eyes go wide.

"Do you always carry those around?!" Esme shakes her head.

"No, I had a feeling you were pregnant for I knew you would give in so, I was prepared." Masons eyes narrow.

Esme really is a good friend though. Mason didn't know what she would do without her. She takes the test from Esme's hands and walks to the bathroom. She had to pee anyway.

After peeing on the darn stick, she opens the door and sets it on a paper towel in her room. She raised her eye brow at her best friend.

"Is this what you wanted?" She asked Esme. Esme proudly smiles and nods. She walks closer to her best friend.

"Do you think it's going to be a positive?" She whispers. Mason looks up at her best friend and shakes her head no.

But even she is scared, worried for the answer.

The two girls stand in the same position for five minutes. "We should check it now." Esme whispers. Mason lifts her hand. She feels it shaking. She picked up the test and almost faints.

"No." She whispers to herself. Esme quickly comes closer and reads the test. She snatched Esme's purse and takes out the other four pregnancy tests and grabs her water bottle. That one must have been lying.

After taking all five of the test the girls read them.

After taking all five of the test the girls read them

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"Oh Mason." Esme lets out a choked sob. Mason feels a tear leave her eye. She can't be pregnant. It's impossible.

Why her?

She's only 20. For heavens sake, she's still in collage! She's not ready to be a mom.

"What are you going to do about it?" Esme asks while holding her sobbing friend.

"I can't talk about this right now."

She lets go of her best friend and grabs her keys from her desk and runs out of the apartment. Jumping in her car, she drives away from her home. She needs somewhere quiet to think.

She pulls into the collage and she turns her car off. She grabs her books and goes to sit in the collage garden. She just needs to take her mind off of the...  news.

She dislikes studying but she needs a distraction. She takes a breather and runs her fingers through her soft brown hair. She still can't believe that she has a another human in her stomach. How would she even be able to afford another human?

She can barely take care of herself, much less a human.

How would her family feel about this? Her brother? Her mother? I mean, they would probably be disappointed. She could also give her baby up for adoption?

No, she couldn't. She could never give another part of her away to some strangers. What in the world is she going to do?

Wait, she's supposed to be studying. Shaking the thoughts out of her head. She looks back down to her books, letting the words cloud her head.

She hears footsteps and her eyes meet the person she hates the most in this world. "Logan." She glares. His eyes narrow and he crosses his arms.

"Mason." He says in disgust. She rolls her eyes and stares at him. "Why are you still here?" He walks closer and stops in front of her.

"Why should I?"

Her annoyance gets the best of her and she grabs her bag and books. She takes a step closer making their noses almost touch.

"Watch it, Hudson." My voice low. He licks his lips the looks back in my eyes. "What are you gonna do about it, Crimson?"

All of a sudden she gets light headed and her vision blurs. Black dots cloud her vision and the next thing he knows, her body goes limp sending her to the ground and she goes unconscious.

Pregnant with the enemies babyWhere stories live. Discover now