Chapter 3: What Langauge is This?

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When I was looking around, there were documents scattered on the floor. I picked up the papers, and when I read it I realized that... "I CAN'T READ THIS!" I was shocked that none of the papers were in English, my native language. "How am I supposed to figure out where we were going, if I can't read the words?" I scanned through the papers and gave up because I couldn't make heads or tails of the papers. Then it hit me, "If there are different languages on the papers, does that mean that there could be different races or ethnicities?"

VIBE's cold voice came out of nowhere in response to my question, " You are correct Crew Member 26-." "It's Jacks, my name is Jacks," I said when I cut VIBE off. "Making updates... Crew Member 2674 name to Jacks... update completed." 'Well at least that was over, hear VIBE say those numbers in a sterile and cynical tone made me feel like an object.' "Hey VIBE can you continue what you were saying," I questioned VIBE, curious at what he was going to say. "Yes Jacks, there are five different types of species on board of the ship." After VIBE said that, a document appeared on the wall, I took long steps over towards the wall to read it.


Species: Human
Description: These are the original beings that originated from Planet Earth.

"Okay, that's good to know that there are people who are normal."

Species: Meta Humans
Description: After the Great Calamity that befell Earth, Meta Humans arose. These were humans that had developed 'Gifts' or 'Powers'. There are many different types and variations of powers, as they are countless, the number constantly increasing.

"Wait, could I have powers also?"

Species: Artificial Humans
Description: Due to the Human population dwindling, humans created a way to create artificial humans from simple minerals and parts. The only downfall is that these people lack either conscience or lack of emotions, so there are not many of these people. The only emotions they have been observed of exhibiting are things needed for survival and evolution.

"So, there are test-tube babies and robots."

Species: External Species
Description: After People of Earth's advancement in space travel, humans were able to establish connections with outside species. There are currently 100 categorized species in the database of humans. To look for further information please refer to which species you want to know.


Species: Unknown
Description: error code 404...Information not found...

"Excuse me, but what is this."

After reading this I came to see a major problem in everything. That the ship's information is badly damaged. "I guess once I heal, and I get out of here, I need to do a little bit of fixing," I said this out loud to myself.

VIBE surprised me by interjecting, "Jacks this option is not recommended due to constant fluctuations of the ship's systems." This brought to the light of how critical the conditions of the ship were. Then I had an epiphany, the information on the wall was incorrect. "VIBE what is that unknown species on the wall."
VIBE replied after I asked this question, "All the information given was after the scan on the current bodies found on the ship. Upon further analysis, results show a new type of variation unknown to the system." 'WHAT THERE'S A SPECIES THAT EVEN VIBE DON'T KNOW ABOUT' "Well, there goes a problem even worse than the last."

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