Bathroom Peeper 🍋

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Hanako x FemReader

You walked down the hall like any other school day, making your way to class, but of course, in traditional anime style, something had to go wrong, as you walked, not really looking where you were going your crush unexpectantly ran in your direction out of a classroom you were approaching, resulting in you and your crush being knocked over and you tossing your books everywhere, he put his hands out when he fell to avoid hurting you, he landed over top of you with his hands on either side of your head, this very clearly flustered you, he noticed your face redden and chuckled. "Sorry, umm.." he said, clearly blanking on your name, you always knew he wouldn't remember your name, but it's crushing, you laughed nervously. He stood up and held out his hand to you, you wiped your hands on your top to make sure they weren't sweaty and slowly grabbed his hand. He pulled you up and you looked down at the floor, you quickly picked up your books that were scattered about, he helped you a bit, which was nice, but you were a little sore that he'd forgotten your name, he knew it, you'd told him at least three times, it made you a little spiteful that it seemed like he didn't even try to remember. You walked off to the washroom, not to cry, just to sulk a little bit before heading to class.

You entered a stall and put the seat down, siting on it, you put your head back and closed your eyes, you placed a hand on your chest as you felt your rapid breathing and heart rate begin to slow slightly, even though he basically rejected you, the lewd way he held himself over you like that got you a bit aroused. You opened your eyes only for your breathing to quicken again and your heart began racing, when you opened your eyes and looked up you saw the amber coloured eyes of a young teenage boy staring back at you. He was looking at you from over the stall with his elbows resting on the edge and his head in his hands, his facial expression was that of a very slight smirk. The way he was perched over the stall would've been physically impossible unless he was either 8 feet tall or floating.

"Wh- What the fuck??" You made eye contact with him, he cocked his head as if he was confused and pointed to himself and raised an eyebrow. You brought your hands to your forehead and turned your face away, covering him with your hand so he was out of sight, you took a deep breath and exhaled, when you removed your hand and looked back up he was inches from your face, studying you with a curious expression. You screamed and tried to punch at the air, which obviously didn't work, you felt your fist hit nothing but air, still, he backed away and playfully pouted at you then grinned at you again and giggled.

"You can see me! Hi!" He smiled and was once again really close to you, you'd somewhat calmed down hearing him speak in a friendly manner with a smile rather than looming over you silently. "What had you storming in here?" of course, even though his demeanor was friendly, you didn't like how close he was to you, you opened the stall door and stepped out into the bathroom to try and put space between the two of you. You rubbed your eyes, still in mild disbelief, you realized that was a mistake though because an eyelash fell into your eye, you winced as you teared up, turning around to look into the mirror over the sink, you didn't dare let him leave your peripherals, however. You figured you'd treat him a little nicer, he clearly didn't mean you any harm, so, rather than ignore him like you thought about doing, you decided to entertain his curiosity.

"I bumped into this guy I liked, emotionally got slapped in the face, the interraction made me a little-" You paused, didn't really wanna tell the person you just met you were ever so slightly horny. "uncomfortable, I went to the bathroom to sulk, and then there was a child staring at me." The boy opened his mouth to speak but you whipped around to face him and look him in the eyes, you pointed a finger at him. "That's creepy by the way, I could've had my pants down." You turned back to the mirror to try and remove the eyelash once again, the boy just laughed and hovered in the air, kind of like he was laying down with his hands behind his head.

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