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        Taehyung woke up and immediately smiled. Today was the day, today was the day he would meet Jin and finally know Hyung's real name, he would see what Jin looked like, he would find out what Jin sounded like, and know how tall Jin was. He would know what his boyfriend's name was, yes boyfriend. He blushed at the memory of that day.

"Teahyung," Hyung came up behind a sitting Taehyung at the park.

"You came! Sorry to suddenly call you here, I was just really bored and I wanted to hang out." he rubbed the back of his head and looked up at Hyung. He was wearing a plain navy blue hoodie with jeans on.

"It's fine," Hyung sat next to him, "I wasn't doing anything anyways." he leaned back to look up at the clouds. "Were you just sitting here this whole time?"

"Yep, I was going to play with Neko today, but he destroyed his toy, I was on my way to get him a new one when I saw how pretty it was outside." Taehyung leaned back into the same position as Hyung and stretched his arms out to the sky. "By the way, why are you wearing a hood? It's still summer." He pinched the dark blue fabric.

"Well it's not that hot, plus I like this hood," Hyung replied while setting his hands in the pouch.

"Do you wanna come with me to the store to get Neko another toy? You can come to my house afterwards too if you want." Taehyung suggested while sitting up and looking down at the other male.

Nodding, Hyung stood and helped Tae up. "Are we going to walk there?" He asked.

Taehyung nodded and started off on their journey, making Hyung regret wearing a hood without a shirt underneath.

When they walked into the store V was grinning and playing with all the cat toys while Hyung took his time observing each one without touching.

"Are you sure that the toy is going to be for the cat?" Hyung commented when he saw the younger playing with the little toy mice, making the younger man blush and nod frantically.

"Just making sure that Neko will like the toy is all." he put the little-stuffed animal away before picking up a laser and curiously pointing it at Hyung. He tossed it in his hands a little, checking the weight and tapped on the metal surface.

"I don't think a cat can break that. You should get it." agreeing with the choice, he bought it, thankful that there wasn't a really long line, and they headed towards Taehyung's house.

When they got through the door Taehyung introduced Hyung to his mother. "I'm home Mom! This is my hyung, I saw him on the way."

"Nice to meet you" She smiled sweetly, "I was just about to head out to get your father and you sisters back from their camping trip! There's food in the fridge and Neko is in your room. Behave and goodbye!" She kissed Taehyung's cheek and walked out the door.

"Are you hungry?" the host asked. Shaking his head Hyung looked around the small house. The brown leather couches were surprisingly not scratched, considering they had a cat, the wooden chairs were also unscratched and the wooden floor shined. He heard footsteps leaving him and he turned his head to see Taehyung heading upstairs. He quickly followed.

Taehyung opened the door and Neko quickly appeared swaying it's orange tail and rubbing his head on his leg. Hyung walked up behind him and Neko froze before hesitantly walking over to him, sniffing the air for anything that seemed out of place.

"It's okay Neko," Taehyung crouched down and patted the feline's head, "Hyung is a good man that won't hurt you." he picked up the small cat and lifted it to Hyung's face. Carefully taking Neko from his owner, Hyung carried the small guy back inside the room and sat down.

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