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        Taehyung felt like complete and utter shit. It's been a whole day since Jin said goodbye and the male never moved from his bed. All he did was stare at his phone, waiting for Jin to reply. Jin didn't reply. Taehyung was going crazy.

School was starting soon and Taehyung didn't know if he could handle all the people there. He was changing, all because Jin left. Jimin called him an hour ago asking if they could hang out. Taehyung didn't respond, he let Jimin repeat 'Hello' numerous times before the slightly older man gave up and the line went dead. He heard his mother calling him, he knew he shouldn't but he ignored it. She would have to understand that he just wasn't feeling well today and that he would apologize when he felt better.

'Hey,' he sent to Jin the second time that day. It was only 7 in the morning and he already texted Jin twice, when Jin was here, they would sometimes not even text at this time, they would both still be asleep. He couldn't wait for the response when a very annoyed Jimin burst into his room.

Only seeing V's back, he didn't see how really beat up his friend was. When Jimin threw Taehyung down on the pillows demanding and answer to why he had been ignored, Taehyung let everything come to him. He didn't try to resist, he just took it. Eyeing his phone to see if Jin answered Jimin finally stopped shaking him, having noticed the puffiness of the others face and the broken emptiness of his eyes.

"What happened?" Jimin stepped back carefully and set Taehyung down on the pillows so that he would be comfortable, pulling the blankets up, treating the other like he was a porcelain doll just waiting to fall on the floor.

"Jin, gone, no more, love him, stay, phone, wait." Taehyung stared up at the ceiling, probably thinking that he had said something that made perfect sense. The way Taehyung was looking up at the ceiling, with his broken eyes, squinting as if to find something, the small spark of hope fading away withing a few seconds, leaving loss and sorrow.

Jimin saw Taehyung's phone light up and vibrate. V was up in a second, he grabbed his phone and checked the message. He smiled when he saw 'Jin-nie' appear, instantly feeling better reading Jin's simple 'Hey' Jimin sighed in relief at the lighter atmosphere but he worried about what would happen later when Jin wouldn't be texting him.

Jimin watched Taehyung's fingers fly across the keyboard. He was wondering what they could be talking about. He was lost in the whole situation. He leaned over to sit next to his friend. He read the message over the boy's shoulder.

'Jin, I miss you so much, it's only been a day and I can't take it anymore, I haven't left my room since you went, I know I sent you two messages but I really miss you. I can't take this I feel sick and I don't think I can go back to school when I know that you aren't there. Jin I miss you'

Jimin's eyes softened, that's why Taehyung looked so blank, so empty. He wouldn't let his best friend feel like this, though, determined to help V, Jimin walked out of the house in search for some people.

'I miss you too, but you need to move around Taehyung. I love you and I don't want you like this while I'm gone, so go outside, take a walk, at least, get out of that room. Please? I promise we will see each other again some day. I promise.'

'Jin everything reminds me of you. I think I ran out of tears. Please come soon okay?'

'I'll try my hardest. Now. I want you to stand up.' Taehyung stared at the message blankly. He could lie to Jin and say that he did, but he didn't feel right, even if Jin would never know. He stood up slowly.

'I stood, can you call me? I would feel better if you called me.'

After a minute, his phone began to vibrate and she immediately answered. "Jin." he breathed out.

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