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"Are you excited?" Ag asked me squeezing my hand, as we stood in front of an unfamiliar house. I just forced a quick faint smile, as the door to the house opened. Music was playing loudly and people were dancing with red solo cups in their hands from the inside. A girl stood in the door frame with long chocolatey brown hair, and baby blue eyes. Not going to lie, she looked really pretty. Maybe, too pretty. She stood a couple inches taller then me, and said in the most sweetest, most genuine tone ever, "Ag! Hey, come in! Oh, and you most be Anna, I've heard a lot about you." She winked at me, making me glance over to a blushing Ag. When we went inside Ag was still holding my hand, our fingertips wrapped together like a puzzle piece. She quickly let go glancing towards me, I frowned at this motion. "Want me to get you a drink bubs?" She spoke, grinning from ear to ear. I don't really drink much, and when I do it's only a little, maybe just a sip. To be honest, I don't like the way it taste. Or, the way it warms the roof of your mouth and the back of your throat. I would've said no, but I figured since it was a party, and Ag was really excited, that I should just let loose a little. It might actually be beneficial to me. "Yeah, that would be nice." And, with that Ag disappeared in between the crowd of sweaty drunk teenagers. "You really like that girl, huh?" I jumped at the voice coming from behind me, who laughed with my reaction. "Relax. It's just me." The friend of Ag's replied, this time more drunk then when we last saw her at the door. "What's your name?" I said almost shouting, the music was so loud. "Makayla." I felt a little bit of ease knowing her name, but how did she know Ag? Especially since she lived here. I shook those thoughts out of my mind. Ag told me she was just a friend. And, I need to believe her. But, at the same time, how can I? This girl right in front of me was everything I'm not. Even though Ag told me I was beautiful, deep down I never felt that way. I put this confident presence out their, when I'm honestly not. I've never really been comfortable with the way I looked. And, this girl made me even more. Her chocolatey brown hair flowed down almost grabbing her sides, as her baby blue eyes twinkled with every word crossing her lips. Even though her breath smelled like achoal, her scent smelled of lavender. Her light almost tanned skin beaded with sweat just glistened. She was the type of girl by her presence she gives off, to get any girl she ever laid eyes on. "Here you go, ma lady." Ag said placing a red solo cup in my hand, letting my mind ease off of the thoughts that creeped inside of my head. Makayla laughed and said, "Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone." As she walked away, she patted the back of Ag's shoulder. Ag bit her bottom lip a little, but quickly stopped when she saw I was looking. Ag already smelled of achoal.
What happened between Anna and Makayla? My thoughts kept creeping in to the back of my mind. Because, as soon as Makayla left to rejoin the party, it was as if Anna had a whole personality change. She kept drinking, and dancing. And, just repeating the same cycle over and over again. Which was odd, Anna hated achoal after one of her friends died from a car crash. He died, because he was drunk. And, Anna promised herself to never get that way. But, yet, here she is. With that last thought, Anna fell foward looking as if she were about to vomit all of her guts out. "Okay," I laughed trying to stand her back up, "Let's get you to lay down for a bit, and some water." Anna, smiled and just gave me a nod. I eventually found an empty bed room that didn't have people hooking up in, and layed her down there. Giving her some water, her eyes started to slowly close. I figured rest was the best thing for her right now. I didn't even bother trying to take her home, not right now, she could barely even hold herself up let alone walk about twelve blocks back to her house. I smiled at Anna sleeping, she looked so peaceful, but that's when I heard a knock on the door. Looking over at the door, Makayla propped herself up smiling, two cups in her hand. "Wanna drink?" She smiled.
When I woke up my head was pounding. I knew instantly I was starting to have a hangover. Waking up, I also noticed I was still at the party. Where was Ag? My mind kept thinking. As I got up to try and find her, my head was spinning. I can't believe I did this to myself. I can't believe I broke my promise to Devin. To myself. To everyone. All because that simple pat on the shoulder made me jealous, made my blood boil. I went into the room across the hall to start my search for her. Lucky for me it wasn't that hard, she was across the room. The door was shut, but I opened it to find her. My heart dropped. There Ag was on top of Makayla, both of their shirts were off. Makayla's hands were pinned up above her head. Ag pulling on her bottom lip in a kiss, causing Makayla to softly moan. A tear escaped my eye, as I slammed the door. Ag quickly looked up to see who it was, and got off of her. Why? Why did I actually believe Ag would pick me? Out of all girls, she picked me. But, I guess she didn't. Not really, after that. I kept crying as I ran out of the house, hearing Ag call out to me, "Anna! Anna, wait please!" Her voice sounded hurt. But, I didn't stop. I didn't look back. She hurt me, and anyone who had the right to be hurt at that moment was me. Not her.

I Love You, Loser ~ AG x ANNA Where stories live. Discover now