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Rubbing my eyes, I woke up wondering where I was lying. It was definitely not my room. ITS A HOSPITAL!
Mom, Dad please help me!
I could see some medical students behind the duty doctor. I turned my head to find my mom. Why is she holding a writing pad?
Mom what's happening? Why do you have your lipstick on when I'm on a hospital bed?
"Can you hear me?" The doctor asked me. I am just too blank to answer anything. I just called out for mom but I got no response.
What is the doctor telling my mom and how could she be so casual and calm?
All the doctors, even my mom left me telling that I had hurt my head badly
Silence all around, outside the window the tarnished Sun was cooling itself over the dusky breeze.
The calender pages flickering over the wall grabbed my attention. Why is a 2019 calender hanged here? Isn't 21 years too old to be hung?
I searched for 2040 calender but couldn't find one. I wanna wake from this dream, I want to!

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