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News: Breaking news, Rasa and the Chief of the police have been arrested by the police after the "takeover" incident happened by the name of Uncle Tan. The video shows evidence of what crimes that have been done by Rasa and the Chief of the police, unfortunately Glitterati is yet to be found. The head of the police department will address the issue tomorrow at 12PM

Bodie: We did it..

Aubrey: We did it!

The group celebrates at Uncle Tan's place. They cheered with joy, but quickly changes after Lima's team enters the place.

Dare: What's wrong?..

Emilia explains and everyone starts to tear

Ducky: We tried to save her..

Aubrey tears, wiping: Where's Riky now?

The group arrives outside DCI, they see Riky sitting on a bench, watching the building while holding his wound on his shoulder.

The group approaches, Emillia and Aubrey sits next to Riky while the rest crowds around.

Aubrey: hey

Riky: hey

Aubrey: you did what you can..

Riky: I know..it's just that..


Riky: They're closing Dance Central down. They're replacing it with another Dance Company called Just Dance.

Bodie: Hey, don't be sad.. we're still here!

Emilia: yeah! and sorry for kicking you in the balls..

Aubrey: Hey..fuck Dance Central..It's us, we're the reason why people love Dance Central!

Lil T: Yeah! It's never about dancing, it was the memories we had together!

Riky: I guess all of you are right.

Laura: Yes, I actually own youtube videos of you guys where I make edits..

Emilia: Aww can we see?..

As the group starts to chat, Angel pulls Aubrey away.

Angel: hey...

Aubrey: hi

Angel: um..I'm sorry for what you had to go through..

Aubrey: It's fine, Angel..Emilia told me everything

Angel:..cool cool..I er...I was hoping if we could be togeth-

Aubrey: Sorry...but I'm with Emilia now..

Angel: I...wh...I am happy for you.

Aubrey: I'm sorry if-

Angel: no..you're still the love of my life..as long as we still have each other, i'm happy.

Aubrey: Haha, well..I hope you find someone soon..

Aubrey hugs Angel.

3 months later

Bodie is now teaching students, basketball. Emilia got promoted to a higher position, teaching new lifeguards. Aubrey is now teaching little kids and teenagers ballet.
Taye is now an assistant for Oblio at his newly opened school.
Uncle Tan who recently receive a medal from the president now takes care of Taye's baby, Benji.
Lil T is now the leader of the cheerleading team for her school.
D-coy is heading back to Japan for DJ tours.
The Glitterati is now back in hiding in a new home. Kerith and Lisa are happily married while Jaryn is still angry.
Riky and Laura's position has been switched as per request from the president.

Riky: Here we are at the newly opened Dance company who calls themselves Just Dance, people are excited to see what Just Dance has for us here at this city.

Laura cuts the video.

Riky looks at the Just Dance building

Riky: Fuck you Just Dance

Laura: hey hey chill..

Riky: gah..

Laura: well, it's their lost! We still get to hangout with Dance Central agents!

Riky: haha true..

Riky turns back to the building, smiling

"Thank you, Dance Central. You'll always be in our hearts"

The End-

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