The Zipper Problem

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The next day

Harry: Wake up Hermione. We need to get some breakfast.
Hermione: *sleepy
                        Ya, Harry I'll get off my bed. Give me 1 hour.
Harry: Ya I'll give you- WHAT?!
                1 HOUR SERIOUSLY HERMIONE???
Hermione: *in a sleepy voice
                        What the heck is so shocking about it? You yourself do that.
Harry: Okay okay clam down. Ginny is already downstairs waiting for you past 45 mins. Both of you were heading towards Hogsmeade. Weren't you?
Hermione: Shit! I completely forget about it. She is going to kill me.

(A/N I'm going to start POVs from now so continue and enjoy❤️)

Hermione's POV
SHIT!!! I forgot that we were supposed to meet at 10 am outside our rooms. I have to get ready quickly as I don't want her to kill me for being late. I soon got ready and met Ginny in the living room. It was 11:00 already. She checked her time and had a look on her face saying 'I am going to hex you if you get me more angry I might even kill you.' looking at that face I said : "Hey, look I am sorry about it but you know what happened last night so I just over slept and forgot about our day out."
She then suddenly had a big smile over her face and said "Let's go. We are already late." With that I walked towards the fireplace and took some floo powder in my hand and travelled to Hogsmeade. She was there soon after I stepped out the fireplace.

//Time Skip\\
(Quick A/N I had mentioned in the start of the book that no one dies in the story that I am writing so... Continue reading)
Third Person POV
Hermoine and Ginny walked out the fireplace in the burrow. Harry was sitting on the couch writing something on a piece of parchment. "Hey Harry! What are you doing?" Hermoine said walked towards him and sat beside him. He looked up from the piece of parchment and smiled as she hugged him and let go. Ginny sat on a couch on the side and placed the bags on the coffee table. "Oh, nothing I was just replying to my mum's letter. I see you have shopped a lot of stuff." he said looking at the bags of sweets from Honeydukes and bags of clothes from Gladrags Wizardwear. "Ya, Hermoine even got you a bag of your favourite sweets and candies. There, it has your name on it." Ginny said pointing at a bag from Honeydukes. "Thanks 'mione, that's so sweet of you." he said picking up the bag. "Your welcome." hermoine said looking at his true smile that she knew from heart. " Hey Ginny let's go to my room a try out the clothes we got." Hermione said getting up from the couch. Ginny simply nodded. They rushed up to the room with the bags.

Harry's POV
I continued writing the letter to mum. She was asking me if me and my friends would like to stay at Godric's Hallow for awhile as it has been way too much long that we visited them. TBH I did want to go so I wrote her a letter:

Dear Mum,
Hope you are both fine. I'd love to visit you and dad with my friends but, I have to ask them about it. I'll ask them and write to you soon.

I also wanted to tell you that me and Ginny broke up on mutual understandings and we are still good friends. And Ron and Hermione broke up too. They had a little bit of a big fight and ended up breaking up. I'll ask them about it and by now you know that Ron might not be coming.

I'm absolutely going to visit even if they don't come with me. And don't forget to make my favourite food when I come thier. Love you both. I'll write you about them by tomorrow.

Your loving son,
Harry XOXO

I folded it and put it in an envelope. Then I sealed it and handed it to Hedwig and told him whom to give it to. "Hey, Harry can you come to Hermoine's room for a moment?" It was Ginny who was calling for me. "Yeah, coming!" I said walking towards the stairs. I was outside the room I knocked on the and said "Hey, I'm here." Ginny opened the door. She was wearing some new clothes that I had never seen I guess it was from the shopping they had done. "Harry, there is this problem with Hermione's dress. Can you help us?" Ginny asked me. "Yeah, sure. What's the problem?" I asked as I walked into the room. "Wow, Hermione that dress looks perfect on you. What's the problem with it?" I asked kind of checking out Hermione. She was looking Just Perfect.

(This is the dress she was wearing)

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(This is the dress she was wearing)

"Thanks Harry. But the zipper this dress has ugh!" Hermione said happy and frustrated both. "So, it doesn't go up?" I asked. "No! It won't open. We tried spells, candle wax, pencil lead and our physical strength too! I even tried to just push it down removing the sleeves from my shoulders but it is tight around the waist so it doesn't go down." Hermione said. "Um, here let me try." I said getting closer to her. I held her waist and turned her around so that her back was facing me. "Um Hermoine hold your hair up. Will you?" I asked her starting at her hair. "Ya, there you go." she said taking up her hair a little bit so that I can open up the dress zipper. I tried to pulled it down but it won't just open up. UGH WHY??? It was a zipper not even 15 cms long. "I think there is a thread stuck in there from the inside of the dress Hermione." I said. "I mean it's just a guess. But it could be that. They won't make the zipper that won't open up. Right?" I asked them. "Ya, it might be that." Ginny said agreeing to me. "So, what can we do to remove this thing then?" Hermoine asked. "I have an idea but I'll need Ginny's help." I said looking pu at her. She nodded and stood in front of Hermoine. "What help do you need Harry?" Ginny asked in her normal but polite tone. "So here's the idea, Ginny will get your towel and wrap it around your chest and hold it there 'cause I'll push down the sleeves from your shoulders as assume you aren't wearing anything under this except your thong. Then I'll put my hand in the dress where the zipper is and clear that area for any threads. Then I'll try to open the zipper again after clearing the space. If it works I'll walk out the room after freeing you. And if it doesn't..." I trailed off "We'll get to that later." I completed my unfinished sentence. "Okay then all I have to do is to hold my hair up?" Hermione asked "Ya" I replied "And I just have to try and not embarrass my bestie. Right?" Ginny asked smirking evily "You better not do that or I'll hex you." Hermoine said in a worried but more of a furious tone. She looks damn scary like that. "Okay okay let's get started." I said wanting to stop their childish fight. Ginny bought Hermione's towel from the bathroomand wrapped it around her from the front and held it behind her neck. It looked like she was going to have a haircut. I put my hands on her shoulders under the towel and I then started slipping the sleeves down her shoulders she kind of shivered on my touch "Harry! Your hands are cold as ice." Hermione exclaimed. "They are always that cold 'mione." Ginny said 'cause she was my girlfriend she knew my touch of course. Her sleeves were now off. "Hermione hold your hair up." I commanded. She did what I said. Now the towel slipped of but not fully it now only covered her chest I could see her bare back. I then slid my hand into the dress. As I did that she gasped but very quiet. "Are my hands that cold Hermione?" I asked her. "No, it's just that Ron's hands were warm. It's just a new kind of feeling you know?" she said. By the time I had cleared that area up. "I am gonna try to open it now. Okay?" I asked her gently. She just nodded. I tried opening the zipper this time. And guess what? It worked. "Finally." she let out a sigh with that. "I am gonna go then." I said heading towards the door. I was about to close the door when the both ladies yelled in unison "Thank You Harry!" "Anytime!" I said. I was about to shut the door when I remembered about mum's letter. "Hey can you both come to the living room after you are done with all of this?" I asked slightly opening the door again. "Yeah, 10 mins. These were our last dresses." Hermione replied walking towards the bathroom. She had the towel wrapped around her body. Ginny simply nodded. "Hey Ginny, I wanna talk to you personally. Can you come over here for a sec?" I asked as I wanted to talk about 'us' "Yep" she said popping up the P as she always did. We walked outside the room. She had already changed into her PJs. She was always really fast at dressing up. "What do you wanna talk about?" She asked me her hands on her hips. "Should we tell her?" I asked her. Now we were whispering. "Ya we should. She'll be mad at us for not telling her about it." She said. I nodded and headed towards Ron's bedroom.
What do you think Harry is going to Ron's bedroom for?

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