Chapter 1. Stuck.

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It was the middle of the day and things were going back to normal, people where starting to forget what happened when a villain attack is happened on U.A.

There was a new villain called "Clock" that no one knew about.

"MR AIZAWA, WHAT DO WE DO" Mido shouted to his teacher who has just knocked out a villain.

"I DONT KNOW" He shouted back at his students.

"MR AIZAWA WATCH OUT" Froppy yelled out before a bright light happened and they where gone....

Somewhere else...

Class 1A was now shown all asleep on the ground slowly waking up one by one. (Shinso is in class 1A but so is m*neta).

Aizawa was the first to wake and stand up to look around. "...we're out side of U.A...but it looks so clean...and where are the villains...what's going on?!?" he thought.

"Mr Aizawa?...what happened?" Mina asked trying to wake up everyone else.

"I don't know Ashido" He answered.

"Go and wake everyone up" He told her a she nods and goes to wake up her classmates.

Once everyone was awake they were all so confused. Because now it's night time and U.A looked clean and brand new.

"What the fuck is going on?!?" Bakugo shouted/asked Mr Aizawa.

Before anyone could answer they saw colourful lights coming from not to far away.

"I'm not sure Bakugo but let's go to the lights and see what's going on there" He said starting to walk there.

When they got there they saw a sign that said '2A dorms' on it. They didn't know what to do, they heard load music and colourful lights coming from inside the building.

There was a crash and a bang but no one moved to see what was going on becaused they were all so confused.

Not a moment later the doors flung open and who they saw made their jaws drop.

It was......


I'M ALIVE!!! I'm so sorry to everyone who was waiting for this😅😓.

I know it's short😖, but I am going to start writing more on this, I am not giving up on this fanfic!😁

If you have questions make sure to ask.


Word Count: 370.


Stuck in the Future/ Bnha 2nd gen/ Sequel to THE DEKUVERSE/ DISCONTINUED :(Where stories live. Discover now