Chapter 3. Explanation.

171 4 3

Waring, mentions of:
Underage drinking

Flash Back

Mr Aizawa and Deku walked into the room smiling and laughing. They told all of the students to stand around and listen. "Where did haro go??" Deku asked Kaisa. "I sent him back to his dorm!" Kaisa said with an attitude.

"Ok i'm confused, why are all the girls in your class angry at him??" Deku asks his daughter. She sighed and told him she will tell him later. Kaisa left the room to go get something for her head.

"Ok anyway, i figured out what is going on" Deku started as he told the students.

"The villain that sent you here is called 'clock', weird name I know but his quirk allows him to send people to the past or future, he sent you to the future not knowing you already know people here" Deku finished as people started to ask questions.

"How long are we stuck here?"

"What are we gonna do??"

"Where are we gonna sleep or stay???"

As everyone threw around questions Mr Aizawa yelled at them to shut up.

Deku continued...

"I don't know how long you are gonna be stuck here as the villain that sent you here disappeared years ago. Your gonna remain calm as me and the other pro heroes are gonna look into it more, and lastly you are gonna stay here at UA until we think of something else" Deku finished looking at everyone with a smile.

"Mr Aizawa if you could come with me to Principle ****'s Office please so we could think of something to do". Mr Aizawa nodded and followed him to the office.

Soon enough Emma, Matt and Shailo all woke up groaning and holding there heads. Everyone looked at them and chuckled.

"And this is why we shouldnt drink....Fuck it where's the beer??" Emma asked sitting up looking around to find everyone looking at her.

"Well shit..." She said standing up.

"Hey everyone, good to see ya all again" Emma said with half closed eyes.

"You should not be drinking as you are under age" Iida said doing his robot hands.

"Oh well" Emma shrugged and walked to the kitchen grabbing a drink. When she walked back in where eveyone was the drink was taken out of her hands by a purple haird Neko.

"Really shay?..." Emma said sitting on a table in the middle of the room.

"Yep" She said taking a sip before it was taken again but this time is was Denki who took it, he walked into the kitchen and poured it down the sink.

"Ughhhhh dad that was the last oneeeeee" Shailo groaned. "Dont care" Denki said walking back in standing with his arms folded.

"Wait...DAD?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?! WAIT WHY ARE YOU YOUNG??!? ARE YOU FROM THE PAST?!?? I-" She then passed out landing on Matt. Matt let out a oof but didnt wake up.

"*Sigh* Idiots" Emma sighed going to stand up before falling back down on the table.

Ejiro ran to her side along with Mina and Momo asking her if she was ok, she said she was fine and stood back up again. She picked up the two passed out and hung them over her shoulder. Matt on left and Shay on right.

"I'll be back I'm gonna put these idiots in my room and I'll come help you out" She said walking away to her dorm.

A few minutes later Deku and Mr Aizawa walked back in. Deku with a piece of paper in his hand.

"We figured out where you will be staying" Deku said with a smile as everyone sighed with a smile (except Katsuki lol he just held Ejiro's hand).

"So here's the plan-


Hey guys sorry this is late and short I have been getting migraines for a couple of weeks and feel really drained most of the time🤕.

I have a doctor appointment soon so that's good news😁.

I'll try and work on the new chapter sorry if it is slow😓


Word count: 680😫


Stuck in the Future/ Bnha 2nd gen/ Sequel to THE DEKUVERSE/ DISCONTINUED :(Where stories live. Discover now