Chapter 2. Chaotic.

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The doors fung open and who they saw made their jaws drop...

It was...

Emma Bakugo holding what looked like a beer. They where standing there in shock looking at someone they didn't think they would see anytime soon.

"Emma?!?" Kirishima yelled out, getting out of his shock.

"hUh?" Emma questioned stumbling. "Are you drunk?!?" Mr Aizawa asked the tripping red head.

"NnNNnNnoOoOOOoOoOOoo....nOt At aLl" She slurred out grabbing on to the door handle behind her. "EMMA BAKUGO WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?" a voice yelled out.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!" Emma yelled back, she started to run away but ice then covered her feet so she couldn't move. "FUCK YOU WOMAN, LET ME GO!!!" she yelled at the voice.

1A started to laugh at what was happening in front of them. kaisa walked out of the building with a angry look on her face, frost coming out of her right hand walking to her gf.

Before Kaisa could reach her, Emma blew up the ice and started to run away. "OH FOR THE LOVE OF-" Kaisa cried out in frustration. The next thing you know and all the power goes out so it's pitch black.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN FUCKERS, THE POWER IS OUT" It was Shailo running out of the building with Matt next to her and Haro trying to catch them.

Kaisa was thinking....thinking....thinking...she then notices the past class 1A. *BING* Light bulb!!!. "PAST DAD(Mido) USE YOUR QUIRK AND GO GET EMMA,  MR AIZAWA USE YOUR SCARF WITH UNCLE DENKI TO GET SHAILO, UNCLE HANTA USE YOUR TAPE TO GET MATT!!....please..."

"RIGHT" They all called out and the people who had nothing to do went to help them anyway.

About 1 hour later the BakuSquad was passed out on the grass.

Mr Aizawa was about to ask what the hell is going on when they hear a deepish voice yell out to them. "What are you all doing out here??"...

Kaisa turned her head a bit and looked scared. "H-Heyyyy dadddddd". It was Deku, he was on patrol. Class 1A stood in awe. Deku looked over to the passed out trio and sighed. "What happened?" He questioned looking tired.

"I...Uhhhh". "Kaisa Todoroki-Midoriya for the love of All Might himself...tell me what happened!" Deku said getting more tired. Class 1A was shocked and a bit frightened.

"UHHHHH FINE, The class decided to have a party and drink, these three drank the most and where being they do....and Emma decided to run out and then Shailo and Sero(Matt) decided to do the same, so i asked the past you and your past class to help and we got them but then they just...passed out...hehehe..yea" Kaisa said in one breath.

Deku sighed and decided to just bring them inside, he picked up the three and took them inside. He put them on the lounge and told everyone else to come inside out of the cold. Since the chaos happened with the BakuSquad everyone decided to end the party and go to there dorms.

"Mr Aizawa can i speak to you for a minute?" Deku asks. Aizawa nodded and followed Deku to another room, leaving behind: Past class 1A, Three drunk crackheads, a red winged bird and triple threat.

"Sooooooo, what now?" Haro and Denki said at the same time. Kaisa sighed and pinched the top of her nose. "You my stupid cousin, go to bed while i deal with this" Kiasa said putting her right hand on her head and used her ice quirk a bit.

"WHAT WHY?!?" Haro yelled/questioned. "Because i said so...if you have not noticed i have a headache and can't deal with more yelling" Kaisa said back with her eyes closed. "Ughhhh fine" He said as he walked off to go to his dorm.

"I apologize if i snap at anyone i am feeling unwell" Kaisa apologized to PC (Past Class) 1A .

"It's alright but, are you ok??" Izuku asked concerned. Kaisa opened her eyes and gave a small smile, "Yea i'm ok, i just over used my quirk today and got a headache, that's all" She answered back.

Mr Aizawa and Deku walked back in smiling and laughing, they turned to the others and started explaining what's going on and what's going to happen. (Next chapter).

After explaining everyone nodded and went to where they got told to go. Deku sat down on a different lounge then the three passed out people and sighed, "I need a holiday". He said unaware that everyone was still close and listening.

The Next Day...



I'M ALIVE!!! I have finally got motivation to write again. After a long time of nothing, i have many ideas for this book and future book i'm planning with a friend. But i have a question to you readers...

Who watches Haikyuu!!...??? :D 

Word Count: 800


Stuck in the Future/ Bnha 2nd gen/ Sequel to THE DEKUVERSE/ DISCONTINUED :(Where stories live. Discover now