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Today was the day. The day I was moving from big city Los Angeles to a small town in London. I was going by myself to live at an academy. Not because Im some kind of juvenile delinquent and need "fixing up", but because I signed a 2 year contract with Arsenal Academy, a school for soccer players. I was honestly so nervous.

"Are you sure you want to do this Kendall?"

"Yes mom, Im sure." I replied with a great smile on my face. I might have been nervous but I was so excited.

Not only, have I dreamed of becoming an Arsenal soccer player, but going to London. I love traveling so much. And also my love for David Beckham.

I understand hes like almost 40 and married, but he is one hell of a hot father if you ask me.I know he has a couple of kids, im not very aware of their names though.

"Alright, well lets get going. Your flight leaves at 4:20 and the airport is 30 minutes away."

(Arriving in London)

Im actually here, I thought to myself. Words could not describe the feeling I had inside of me. I was so excited and nervous at the same time, I couldnt contain myself.

I waited in the foyer of the main building right next to the dorms until the women at the front desk called my name.

"Kendall Francher"

I walked to the front desk with my luggage following behind me.

"Yes mam?"

"Can you inform me which team, or teams your on please?"

"Arsenal Junior Ladies and Arsenal Junior Coed."

She typed away on the computer until giving me a key.

"This is the key to your dorm and youll be sharing with Taylor Massey.Your dorm number is 206 and your apartment building is 11410"

"Thank do I get to my building?"

"As soon as you exit, turn right and its the building behind the building on the left."

"Thank you"

With that, I left, nervouse I would run into someone I didnt know like a clutz, or have my luggage somehow open and all my stuff falls out, or i embarass myself in front of a cute boy.

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