Chapter 1

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First off, everything in this book is my idea, I have not and will not copy anyone. If there is a book similar to this it is strictly coincidental. Anyways, Enjoy.


I threw my hands up in frustration. Jack leaned forward on the principals desk as if to act like they're friends.

"Principal Oner, she's gonna drive me nuts. I can't be partners with this bitch-" he said but the principal cut him off.

"Language Mr. Gilinsky." she scolded.

"Ms. Oner please. This is my last year here and I honestly don't want to spend this trip with him." I sighed.

"You should have thought about that before you both disrupted the class." she replied.

"It was all her fault, if she wasn't such a snob." he trailed.

"See that!" I said pointing to him. "that's going to drive me insane for a month." I spat.

"You two are partners and that is final!" she snapped, getting up and escorting us out. I glared at Jack but he just smirked.

"Don't act like you're not happy." he scoffed.

"Oh no, I'm ecstatic." I rolled my eyes, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes and tried stepping around me but I moved and my back hit his chest. He caught me before we both fell. As his hands touch my arms my stomach dropped, probably from the disgust, but I thought nothing of it. "watch it" he hissed.

I just brushed him off and went to look for Grayson, my best friend. I found him with his brother, Ethan and Ethan's girlfriend, Shia. me and Shia were really close too.

I hugged Grayson and told everyone what happened. They knew how much me and Gilinsky don't get along. he just, infuriates me.

I went through the rest of the day, seeing a couple people whisper about me. Making up various rumors no one actually believes. Finally school ended and I walked outside to wait for Shia.

I looked around out of instinct and my eyes found their way to Jack. He was laughing with his other delinquent friends. They all said goodbye and headed their own separate ways. Then me and Jack's eyes locked. I just rolled my eyes an looked away.

He walked towards me. "you excited?" he smiled sarcastically.

"To get away from you, yes. To be stuck with you, no." I said.

"Hope you're not a light sleeper" he smirked looking into the distance. I actually think that was a joke. but I don't know.

"Oh Jack gross!" I said, hitting his arm.

"Aye, I put on good shows." he put his hands up in surrender as he walked away laughing. That is disgusting.

Finally Shia pulled up in her car. "Sorry it took so long." she apologized.

"No worries, Jack annoyingly killed the time." I laughed. She did too.

She dropped me home and the minute I walked through the door I knew I was alone. My mom is out on trips most of the time. She works as a secretary for a CEO, and she has to be with him at all times.

I just did my homework and went on my phone then went to bed.

**********************Next Day*****

I grabbed my suitcase and packed my clothes, shoes, and hygienic things. I grabbed my shoulder bag and put my charger, iPad, sunglasses, headphones, and other things in there. I was absolutely dreading this trip.

When I was done packing I laid on my bed trying to figure out a way for me to go and actually be able to go through the trip without having to deal with Jack that much.

Finally five o'clock rolled around. Today was a Saturday so the trip could take off on a weekend. The seniors leave today, an I was not going to let my partner get to me. This is the fourth year of the best four years of my life, I'm gonna enjoy it. We're supposed to meet the teachers at the school gym and from there, we get on a bus to the plane.

I threw on my ragged priest jeans and my jaded London sweater. I slipped on my naked wolfe sneakers and grabbed my bags.

I heard a honk as I got downstairs and knew Shia made it in time. I carried my stuff to the car and we were off. Soon enough we got to the school.

I walked out, struggling to keep my bag on my shoulder and hand my suitcase, hey I'm a weakling. Then I felt relief as the load suddenly got lighter, I turned and saw Grayson.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"I got you" he smiled back.

"Cute" Jack scoffed as he passed by. I rolled my eyes. "yo, Johnson" Jack greeted a blonde boy with some sort of handshake all guys seem to know. Grayson is friends with Johnson who I'm pretty sure is called by his last name, but Ethan is friends with j k more than Johnson. Grayson doesn't mind him.

Soon Ethan came a slung his arm around my shoulders. "save that for your girlfriend" I laughed, he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Ms. Willows class, this way please." the principal said into the megaphone.

"Wish me luck" I sighed to the brothers. Them and Shia go with a different group that is not with our bus.

The reason I hate Jack isn't because he parties or smokes, its because of how he acts. He sleeps around, he doesn't know when to shut up or when he crosses the line. and the thing I loathe the most about him is the fact that he doesn't care. about anything, who he sleeps with, if he breaks their heart, if he's gonna get in trouble, if there are consequences. He doesn't think about any of those. That's why I can't stand him, he has no respect for anything or anyone. I handed the teacher my suitcase and held onto my bag.

I entered the bus and walked ally he way to the back where Jack was sitting. Deep breath, Blaire, he won't try anything.


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