I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The best friend.

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We made our way to the same empty classroom me and Jared argued in on Monday. I sat on one of the tables, and Jared sat next to me. His arm was against mine, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I could actually feel his arm there. Eve closed the door and looked over at Jared.

“So do you actually need something or do you just want a ride in the Mercedes?” Jared smirked. I snorted.

“What a chat-up line...” I muttered. Eve glared at him in disgust.  


“I’d rather drive a real Mercedes off a cliff” she replied, making me laugh.

That’s my girl.


So what do you want then?” he asked, clearly bored.

“Something’s going on” she simply stated.

“What’s going on?” Jared asked, clearly getting more interested in the conversation.

“Right this is going to sound crazy, but In Kong’s class when the gay porn popped up yesterday, I swear I heard someone laughing.” She said, looking a little embarrassed to be admitting this.

“Everyone was laughing, there was gay porn openly being played in the lesson” Jared replied, not giving anything away.

“No, I mean-I swear I-” she sighed, finding it hard to get the words out. “I swear I heard Leah laughing, I know you’re going to say it’s my imagination but I recognise that girls laugh or voice anywhere.”

Jared’s mouth hung open a little in shock, as did mine. She did feel my presence.

Eve carried on.

“I saw you stop on the way out of class yesterday like you were about to talk to someone, and I saw you yell at someone in the hall straight after. Then at lunch, when the lights and doors started going crazy, and you looked like you were staring at someone that wasn’t there. Jared is something going on?” she asked. I could hear Jared stutter a little, trying to figure out something to say that doesn’t mean admitting the truth.

“Tell her.” I muttered. His head shot around to me and looked at me like I was nuts. “Just tell her.”

“She’s going to think I'm crazy!” he shouted at me. I chuckled.

“You’re talking to yourself right now; I don’t think it gets much crazier than that.”

“I can’t just tell her, she’s not going to believe me!”

“She’s here isn’t she?” Eve whispered, looking at me. Both me and Jared shot our heads around to her. After a little hesitation, Jared sighed.

“Yeah she is.” he finally admitted.

She continued staring my way, and I saw her eyes glisten over. Her lip started quivering, and I could tell she was fighting back tears.

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