¢нαρтєя 2

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Finally it's after school. I'm so glad I survived the day! But now I've got to go to meet an ass. What a joy! I'm walking to the library where we agreed to meet. No wonder that he didn't want to meet at his house!

I'm at the library, so not ready to work with him. I walk in and see him just sitting there, just like slouching in his chair looking so miserable..I walk up to him, "Geez, you look joyful!" While I drop my books on the table and startle him.
"Thanks. But you look worse than me." Danny said with his annoying smirk on his face.

"So..What are we doing are project on miss-bossy?!" Danny said.
"Well, I'm thinking we do it on the ass himself.. υ ∂αииу вσу.. :p No. But seriously, let's think about it.. BRAINSTORM TIME!!" I sort of hell out, but not really since we're in a library.

It's been 20 minutes and I can't think of anything to do.."Do you have anything yet ∂αииу??"
"No! Don't u think I would've said something if I had an idea?!" He said very grumpy.
"Okay. I think we've spent enough time on this for today, lets just meet back here tomorrow and maybe it will be a better day.. Bye Danny."
"Bye Athena. See you tomorrow." He said it with a feeling bad tone.

It's the next day at school where I'm feeling kinda lost inside. I have no idea why.

I'm in my fifth period already and all day I haven't been able to pay attention. I've been thinking about.. ∂αииу..OH NO!! I can't be falling for the mysterious boy...∂αииу isn't even my type. It doesn't even make sense...WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?!
I'm going crazy..after school I need to go home and just take a nap..oh shoot!! I have to meet ∂αииу after school to come up with the topic for our project..I can't see ∂αииу!!! It'll be weird for me...no! Just no! But I can't leave him there wondering what happened to me. Okay. Okay! Calm yourself Athena! I'll just go to the library and when I see him come through the door I'll immediately just tell him I can't stay and leave.

"Athena!!" Mrs. Johnson yelled.
"Yes!" I replied.
"Answer my question!" Said Mrs. Johnson.
"What was the question again?!" I replied.
"Athena, you need to pay attention!! I've asked you the question like 5 or 6 times. I don't want to have to repeat myself one more time." Mrs. Johnson said.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Johnson. This won't happen again. I swear!" I said with wide-eyes.
"It better not." Mrs. Johnson said very strictly.
I walk out of fifth period to my next period.

"Ahhhh ∂αииу. Wait!! What?! No!! Danny's annoying! Snap out of it!! His annoying smirk, him being a smart ass, and in general just being an annoying ass." I said to myself. "Oh god. I need some help. Fast!!" I jog out the doors to the library.

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