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just a little warning: mature chapter 😋

~addison pov

We walked back outside to the rest of the group who had started a bonfire. We took our seats in the circle as we were handed sticks to make s'mores. Everybody else had also changed so nobody was wet anymore. It was nearing midnight and it was getting very chilly. Bryce had gone back inside and came out with a blanket which he wrapped around us.

I sat back into his arms and immediately felt his bulge right on my back. I giggled to myself, looking back at him. "You did that to me." was all he said as he repositioned himself better. I couldn't help but laugh as I turned back around and laid into his arms, my poor baby.

We all spoke about random topics before Jaden proudly stood up to speak. We all became quiet to listen to him. "As you all know, I've been working hard in making a new song. I completed it a couple of days ago and nobody has heard it yet. But you are all like family to me and I want you guys to be the first to hear it." We all awe'd and yelled in anticipation of the song.

Jaden was beyond talented and had already put out so much amazing music. We had heard bits of this song, but not all of it. As he connected his phone to the speaker, he asked us if we were ready. We all screamed, excited to be able to hear it. As he pressed play, we all fell silent again, wanting to listen. The song was a banger, no doubt about it. Some of the boys sang along once the chorus came along. Bryce held onto my arms, putting them into the air with his and moving them along with the melody.

As the song came to an end, we all cheered for Jaden, many of the boys stood up to all grab him into a hug. He had a huge grin on his face. I stood up to hug him and congratulate him for the song. I loved Jaden's music and loved showing my support for him. He was such an amazing person and truly deserved all of the support and success coming his way.

As I sat back down with Bryce, we saw Mads be the last to go up to him and hug him. She congratulated him before pulling him in for a kiss. We all yelled for them and cheered them on. They weren't officially back together yet, but we all loved them so much and were always the biggest supporters of them. They were great together and truly deserved each other and happiness.

The night went on and we had gone inside to watch a movie. The boys put on 'The Hangover' as it was one of their favorite comedies. I laid on Bryce as I watched the movie, but quickly began feeling myself doze off.

~ bryce pov

I watched the movie, laughing with my boys as we drank more beers. I was caressing Addison's hair as she laid on me to watch the movie. Before I knew it, Addison had fallen asleep. I moved lightly from under her so I wouldn't wake her up; I would instead carry her so we could get back to my room. "This is where we part our way boys." I said, grabbing Addison. I said Goodnight to everyone in the movie room as I carried Addison to my room.

I set her down on my bed as I took off my shirt and put on some shorts, getting ready for bed. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and pee real quick. Once I came out, I saw Addison had woken up. "Hi.." she said lightly, tapping the bed. I smirked as I laid down next to her and kissed her forehead.

"You tired, baby?" I asked her, not sure if it was the alcohol or if she was actually sleepy. Addison was completely drunk earlier in the evening, but some of that had worn off by now. I had remembered what she whispered in my ear earlier, praying that she wasn't tired but I figured she probably was. She threw herself on top of me as her legs locked around my waist. "I'm not tired at all..I've just been craving something all night.." She said, getting really close to my lips before moving up to my ear. "You." she whispered in my ear seductively.

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