Chapter 1✅

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Stiles Stilinski looks at the idiot in front of her raving and flaying his arms while pointing to his car. He was going on about the damage to his front bumper. You would think as she was the one that was hit by him, he would be showing concern for her well being. But no from the little she could make out by reading his lips. He was more concern about who was going to pay for the repair on his car.

Suddenly a hand takes hers Stiles look up to see a tall tanned man with stubble, "Here let me help you, I'm Derek, Derek Hale".

Stiles says nothing instead she signs, "Thanks, I'm Stiles Stilinski" , but then realises Derek doesn't speak sign language. To her surprise he signs back you're welcome. "You understood me?"

"I'm learning the language, well I've been learning for a while. My younger sister recently lost her hearing and the whole family is learning".

"As we're technically still in the middle of the road and there are a lot of irate faces let's get out of here", says Stiles.

"What about my car?" Ask the driver.

"You almost killed someone and you're worried about your car. I'm sure you can see her signing so you know she's deaf, did I forget to mention I saw you run a red light. I can hear police sirens, the cops are on their way", says Derek.

"Alright, alright just get out of here", shouts the driver. "I don't need you to tell the police I ran a red light".

"I want to see the police and have it written down he almost killed me. The man is an idiot if he thinks there isn't cameras everywhere".

Derek looks at Stiles signing, "I can sign somethings well but I'm struggling with some of what you're saying". He makes sure to face her as he's talking so she can read his lips. Stiles get her phone out and types, we stay and talk to the police.

"Why I thought you wanted to leave".

"I did Derek but moron over there called me a fucking deaf bitch".

"I didn't hear him say that".

"I lip read remember so even if he didn't say it out loud he still said it".

Stiles and Derek speak to the police when they arrived then leave the scene of the accident. They walk into Starbucks and order a hot chocolate for Stiles and a flat white for Derek.

"Thank you again for saving me you have some great reflexes there".

"You're welcome", signs Derek.

"Tell me about yourself", say Stiles

"Well you already know my name I work for my parents at Hale Enterprise. I'm single I got two sisters, I'm learning to sign and I'm definitely single".

"Wait I just got saved by an heir to a billion dollar industry wow, so what do you do there?"

"I work in the legal department, it's a good place to work. Especially when you know one day you will inherit the company. What about you?"

"I'm an only child, I work as a psychologist specialising in treating deaf people. I do get hearing clients as well who know sign language, due to having a deaf member of the family".

"I never thought how if you're deaf and needed to talk to someone. How much of a barrier not hearing would be".

"When I was younger I went through a phase where I was angry at the world for being deaf. When I finally got my act together I realised counselling would benefit me. That's when I realise that while there were tons of counsellors for hearing people, finding one who could understand me was extremely difficult. It was then I knew what I wanted to do".

"So do you have a boyfriend?" ask Derek before looking down at his coffee cup. Stiles touches his arm and signs, "No".

"Would you like to go out sometime, go for a meal or see a movie. Lots of them have subtitles now if you go to the right showing".

"Sure let me give you my number", she get her phone out and they exchange numbers. She looks at her watch, "Wow I have a client in thirty minutes I have to get going. It was nice meeting you Derek".

"You too Stiles".

Stiles walk to her office and pick up her messages from her receptionist. She look around her waiting room with its light grey walls and fancy chairs. She wanted her reception area to feel like a living room. So the clients would feel somewhat comfortable while they were waiting to see her".

Lucy her receptionist smiles at her, "Your two o'clock has cancelled and Mr James want to know if we can fit him in today".

"If he can make two o'clock then pencil him in".

She goes into her office and turn on her computer and logs on then look at her appointments for the day. She had eight clients to see each each day in an hour allocated slots for each person.

Her mind went to the driver of the car that almost hit her. She said a silent prayer of thanks that she was unharmed.

Derek walked into his sister Laura's office. "Wow what's with the smile?"

He tells her about Stiles, "She's incredibly smart and has really lovely long brown hair and these amazing brown eyes. She's tall too, I reckon she's about five foot night or ten".

"You seem smitten big brother".

"There's something about her I just can't stop thinking about. I reckon it's fate we met today and how wonderful would it be for Cora. To have someone like her to speak to in an official capacity".

"It would be nice Derek but I don't know if she will go. It's been six months and she's still so angry plus she can't lip read as well as Stiles".

"Maybe if she met her and got to know her as a friend first it would make it easier".

"Does that mean you're definitely going to ask her out Derek?"

"Cora or no Cora I was going to ask her out anyway I feel drawn to her in a way. I've never been drawn to a woman before".

"You don't think she's your ma.." Laura's cut off by a colleague coming into the room.

"Mrs Smith is here for the takeover talks".

Derek sighs, Hales enterprise was thinking of buying a firm that rented space to small startups. They were losing money but Derek knew it was because of mismanagement. He also knew he could turn around that company with the right management team in place. He and Laura follow their colleague to the conference room and take a seat.

Stiles look at her one o'clock appointment, the woman was in clear distress upset about being constantly ignored by her family. Who made no effort to understand her deafness.

Hearing the woman talk about her family made Stiles grateful for the support from her friends and family members. When the work day was over she goes home and to her surprise her best friend Lydia. Told her she cook her favourite meal lasagna for dinner.

They sit at the table eating when Stiles phone indicate there's a text message, she reads it. I'm glad I met you today how about drinks after work Friday. We can meet up at the Starbucks we went to today for five-thirty. If you don't feel comfortable giving me your work address.

Stiles replies to him "I tend to go there after work for a hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin. See you then.

She watches the led light flash on her iPhone eleven which tells her that she had a message. She had her phone on vibrate to indicate a call or an alert as well as textphone. So she could have a conversation with another deaf person or someone using textphone technology.

She smiles when she sees Derek replies, "See you there".

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now