Chapter 36✅

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"What if one of the children talk?"

"Talia I've forbidden it that literally takes away the ability of all the Hales in the world. That are related to you from talking about it please sit. My command can't be broken on a lighter note for your kindness to my brother and sister-in-law. Your family is now the most important one in the world.

You're now head of all the council and since Peter and Jordan have magic because of who they're in the underworld. It's only fair the family not only are werewolves but have magic as well. Due to their ages I've put the knowledge of how to use magic in all the adults head. The little ones will go to school to learn it don't worry they're up to date with what their peers would've been taught".

"Thank you Zeus".

"You're welcome Talia and remember try not to look too shock when you see people doing magic. Or change into a werewolf or other Supernaturally creature, this world as always been a magical one to them. I must now leave and return to my domain".

He leaves and everyone starts screaming except for Derek, Stiles and John.

"I want to see Olivia she has her son with her now".

"Babe it's just gone midnight we will go tomorrow okay".

"Can you send us all home please", Ask Talia.

"Of course mom".

When everyone was sent home Derek and Stiles went to bed and had a dreamless sleep for the first time in weeks.

The next day they walk downstairs to hear, "Good morning sir, madam what would you like for breakfast?"

"Selection of fruits for me and a bagel with cream cheese please. What do you want babe?"

"Pancakes", answers Derek. "Mary can you add some of those sausages I like to the breakfast as well please".

"Of course sir".

"Stiles call Olivia and invites her to dinner along with her family.

"Your Royal Highness thank you for the invitation".

"You're welcome", answers Stiles.

After breakfast Stiles and Derek went to their respective offices. Laura barges into Derek's office, "People bow to me the first time they see me. I'm a freaking princess it's so weird".

"You did know it was coming sis".

"Hearing it is a completely different thing. Hey Derek", her tone becomes serious. "Just for one moment when I woke up I thought maybe Cora got her hearing back".

"Cora is still my beautiful amazing sister who was born deaf in this world. There was nothing wrong with her that needed fixing".

Laura looks sad,"Her life would be so much easier thought".

"Cora has her own business, a husband, a baby on the way and she's a freaking princess. She has a good life has for it being easier only she can answer that".

"But she can't hear".

"She can't hear but she can read lips and speak, perfection is overrated".

Laura put a hand to her mouth, "I'm sorry Stiles can't do any of that except read lips".

"When we leave this world Stiles will be back to speaking and hearing. She will never be able to speak while she's on this world and it doesn't make me love her any less".

Laura hugs him,"I'm glad I'm still your sister. I would never want anyone else but you to be my brother".

Peter walks in, "Chop, chop we have a lot of meetings today and we need to read up on the people we're meeting".

Across town Stiles was arriving at work, she walks into her office and takes a deep breathe, her receptionist was now a fairy. It was weird seeing so many magically creatures in a world that didn't have so much magic before. Stiles picks up the phone and types, "Hello Olivia".

She put the phone down, "Crap OMG. Does she know me in this world because the reason for us meeting didn't happen in this world", she wonders to herself.

The phone rings and Stiles picks it up, "Hello your highness did you accidentally text me"? Ask Olivia.

"Yeah sorry about that".

"Hey Stiles since I have you on the phone do you want to meet up for lunch today. We can talk about the fundraiser for your charity can I just say again how much I love working here. I can't believe I'm on the board of directors for this wonderful charity".

That's how she knows me in this world thought Stiles we work together. "Yes text me the details and I'll meet you for lunch. Stiles put the phone down then gets on with her day seeing six clients.

She and Issac decided to go to Popeyes for lunch with Stiles getting a three piece spicy meal combo and Issac a chicken sandwich combo. "Has it been weird for you getting call your highness". It turns out just Talia's immediate family get all the Pom and circumstances. No other Hales it keeps her and her direct heir special.

"Peter is a member of the royal family like Laura and Cora but Derek's the one that matters most.  And your child is it weird being called your highness?"

"It's weird hearing it, of course I'm use to hearing your majesty instead. The queen and her heirs will always be the important ones in the family. That is the way royalty works.

"Oh crap I forget you're an actual queen".

"It's Understandably there hasn't been a lot of time to digest everything, you've learnt in the last seventy-two hours".

"It's not enough time that's for sure since there are creatures with great hearing nearby. I'll wait till we're on the road to talk about the other thing".

"Isn't Popeyes food the best".

"I know right I swear all those Caribbean meal Cora cooks as made me crave spicy food".

"Derek's the same he cooks Caribbean food as it keeps the memory of his grandmother alive".

"We should go back to Beacon Hill in couple of months, it will be interesting see how its changed".

"That's a thought I need to talk to Cora about that". They finish lunch and Issac returned to work and Stiles went to meet Olivia downtown. Olivia hugs her, "Cute dress".

"Thanks", Stiles was wearing a white dress with a black Peter Pan collar. "I love your outfit too", Olivia was wearing a pink pencil skirt with a white blouse and killer heels.

She smiles, "Thank you, so I've make a list of our donors who will be invited to the gala. Naturally there are some companies who want to donate things like the food and decorations. I told them you need to give them the okay".

Stiles look over the paper in front of her, "I'll need to have a think about who I associate my charity with leave it with me".

A waitress comes to take their order Stiles orders a basic salad while Olivia has a cob salad. Stiles loved this version of Olivia she was confident, strong and focused. There was nothing timid about her you could tell she was happy.

"How is your son?"

He's doing good he's in school at the moment", she beams. "My husband and I are so proud of him".

"So everything else for the gala is in place?"

"Yes we have two and a half weeks to get the invites emailed and send out, every socialite in the world is trying to get an invite to it".

"As long as a lot of money is donated to the centre I don't mind who's bragging they're coming to the gala. I've to get back to work it was great seeing you again. I'll get in touch with you once I've made the decision on who can come to the party".

Stiles leaves and go back to work, she text Peter. She needed to know what happened to the guy who was spying on Derek in the old world. She knew Peter would make that one of the first things he checked out once the world had changed.

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now