Chapter 7✅

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"Tell them to come in", suddenly the room was full of people. A medium height girl with brown hair comes up to Stiles and starts signing. "Hi I'm Cora it's really nice to meet a fellow deafy, now I've someone to gossip with".

Stiles laughs, "It's nice to meet you too. Apart from when I had my signing classes when I was younger and joining the university Deaf club. You will be my first proper deaf friend. Someone who's my friend because she wants to be, not because we're forced to be friends. Because we met somewhere for deaf people. I have someone to sign very fast with when I'm dishing dirt".

Stiles laughs at Cora's facial expression she could tell they would have a lot of fun together in the future. She's introduced to Derek's other sister Laura, some of Talia's betas and his uncle Peter and his family.

"Come dinner is ready we were waiting on you guys, let's go eat".

Everyone follows Talia into the dining room, Stiles finishes pouring herself a glass of wine, when she feels Derek who was sat beside her. Takes her hand and squeeze it, she smiles at him.

To her surprise maids bought out trays of food and place them on the table, it was all Spanish food, "Are you guys Spanish I thought your last name was Hale".

"We have theme nights Stiles, so how was your date?"

"Laura!" She looks at her brother with a smirk on her face. "So Stiles has Derek explains mates to you yet?"

"No what's that?", Laura starts laughing an evil laugh then pick up her fork and starts eating,

"Derek", Stiles turns to Derek confusion showing on her face.

"After dinner when we're on our own I'll tell you about mates", he smiles at her.

They all eat while little pockets of conversation happen around them. When dinner was over they retired to the drawing room.  Stiles had never seen anything so posh in her life except on Downtown Abbey.

  "Cora your diner is really nice I ate there couple weeks back".

"Thank you".

Talia comes over to Stiles and Cora, "I heard about Lydia. I'm sorry I know you've been friends for some time".

"What's this about a Lydia?" Peter asked intrigued. Curious that something big must have gone down if his sister knows about it.

Derek and Stiles tells the whole family about their dinner conversation leading up to Derek realising something didn't feel right. Then them seeing Lydia at the house and Stiles doing her first spell.

"Thank goodness you two found each other before she drained your magic anymore than she already had. It will be difficult for her now and impossible once you too mate".

"Peter what do you mean mate, why would me and Derek mating make it impossible for her to drain my magic?"

"Did she ask you if you too had sex?" Stiles need for information outweigh her embarrassment. So she answers him, "Yes she did".

"If you and Derek did the deed she would have no more use for you, so most likely would have killed you. You and Derek would have given yourselves to one another, insuring her ability to steal your magic near impossible."

"I don't understand why".

"Derek why don't you take Stiles upstairs and explain the concept of  mates to her. We'll have dessert when you guys come back downstairs".

"Ok mum".

Derek takes Stiles hand and lead her to his bedroom. Which was decorated in very neutral colours, they sit on the sofa in his room.

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now