Honeymoon pt2

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They lay there in bed. There hands fiddling around to finally touch each other.
'That was...' Robert stammered.
'Wanna make a remark?' Aaron asked.
'I'm joking. I wasn't gonna say it was terrible. It's what we needed. No distractions. No Seb waking us up at 3am.' Robert said, facing towards Aaron.
'Yeah...' Aaron trailed off.
'What's up?' Robert asked.
'Now with Rebecca back, there is no way the adoption could go through and now with Grace gone I don't think-.' Aaron rambled.
'Don't think about it, when we get back, we can talk about it. This week it's just us. So why don't we get some dinner, just us.' Robert smiled
'Yeah, it could be nice. I just don't be given those glares...again.' Aaron gulped.
'We won't I swear. There was a lesbian couple, couple door down and weirdly overtlally sexual couple a floor below.' Robert said.
'Errr, how do you know this?' Aaron gave Robert a concerned glare.
'Luckily, you didn't see them when you were parking and in Reception.' Robert added.
'Okay... We will go to dinner.' Aaron said.
'Thank you.' Robert said and kissed Aaron's cheek
'Thank you, you've been really supportive this week and now too.' Aaron replied.

--time skip (dinner)--
'Robert! What's taking so long? It was your idea!' Aaron called out slipping on his jacket.
'Sorry, I was doing that thing with your hair. Flat at the back and spikey at the top.' Robert said.
'Again?!' Aaron protested.
'Well it's sorted now so come on let's go.' Robert said and offered his hand. Aaron grabbed it.
'No backing away?' Robert asked shocked.
'No. I can't be scared anymore.' Aaron smiled proudly.
'Come on then.' Robert said and they walked to the restraunt. It was only a couple of minutes away so they got there a soon as possible.
'Table for Sugden-Dingle.' Robert smiled then glanced at Aaron.
'Milk it why don't you?' Aaron giggled.
'Ah yes, here we go table 35.' the server said. 'Follow me.'
They followed the server and to Aaron's surprise nobody looked or glanced at them. People gave them smiles and reassuring glances.
'Here is your table, just order drinks and food when your ready.' the sever said before walking away.
'See everybody is fine about us.' Robert said as he sat down.
'Yeah, seems like it. It's just all in my head.' Aaron let out.
'It is but it's ok to feel that way.' Robert said and squeezed Aaron's hands.
The server walked up to them. 'Congrats at first on the wedding,guys!' he said.
'Thanks. But you don't have to..' Aaron laughed.
'I know but it's company rule. Especially for newly weds but I do mean it.' the guy explained.
'Right. We will have 2 pints of larger then.' Robert said.
'Ok.' the guy nodded.
'Why does people keep congratulating us? Especially people we don't know..' Aaron mentioned as the server left the table.
'It's nice. I mean if they lived back home Dingle and Sugdens getting married. Blow your mind' Robert laughed.
'We made it work though,innit?' Aaron smiled.
'Always.' Robert smiled and touched Aaron's hands and squeezed them slightly
'Here are those beers,sorry for the long wait!' the man handed them the drinks.
'Ready to order?'
'Yeah I will have the steak' Aaron said.
'Same here.' Robert added and the server left.
'Sorry I was nervous before. It's just I didn't want you to get hurt.' Aaron admitted.
'Well don't be. I can protect myself and you.' Robert said and slipped his hands into Aaron's, stroking the knuckles which slightly eased the shaking of his hands.
'How do you think Liv is doing? Haven't heard anything from her..' Aaron said changing the subject.
'Don't think about it. It will only stress you more. Just focus on You and Me.' Robert smiled
'When did you get so soppy?' Aaron laughed.
'Probably the first day I kissed you.' Robert said.
Aaron smiled and slightly blushed.
'See that's better, your smiling!' Robert looked thrilled.
'Shut up!' Aaron joked. Robert rolled his eyes and took a sip of beer. He started at Aaron. He was smiling and happy, maybe that was due to him, maybe it wasn't. Robert likes to think it was him for obvious reasons.
'Here is your food, enjoy!' the waiter said and placed the two plates of food down.
'Cheers mate' Robert said and they both started eating.
'Food ok?' Aaron asked Robert.
'Yeah it's good.' Robert nodded.
'I'm stuffed!' Aaron exclaimed. Robert giggled.
'I'm done too.' Robert replied.
Then the faint sound of music started to play.
'Can all couples gather on the dance floor? It's time for all the copules dance!' a worker exclaimed.
'No way!' Aaron said, rolling his eyes. 'You set this up Robert!'
'Did nothing of the sort, don't blame me.' Robert said.
'I know not everybody is out here so people get your partners and bring 'em down!' the worker smiled.
Robert stood up and gave a glance to Aaron.
'May I have this dance Mr Sugden-Dingle.' Robert said confidently.
'Do I have to? I don't wanna be embarrassed by your moves.' Aaron looked at Robert unimpressed.
'Fine... I will call Liv and force her to make you do it. But then will probably post you dancing on social media. So what do you wanna do?' Robert explained smirking.
'Yeah I do wanna dance.' Aaron quickly replied and Robert took Aaron's hands and dragged it towards the dance floor.
'I can't believe your making me do this!' Aaron complained.
'Quit your complaining or I'm gonna tell Liv.' Robert mentioned, drawing Aaron closer into his body. Aaron buried his head in Roberts shoulders to avoid embrassment.
'Getting sheepish?' Robert joked.
'I can leave here you alone, u know.' Aaron said, releasing his body from Roberts embrace.
'Oh come on baby! Just this once, please.' Robert pleaded, giving him a desperate look.
'Fine. Sorry, it's just really embarrassing.' Aaron said and fell back into Roberts embrace. They feet moved slightly but it just felt like them. Only them. Just tightly hugging onto each other. Robert smiled and gave Aaron a kiss on his cheek.
Aaron glared at him, sweetly and gave him a kiss on the lips.
'We can stop if you want. Go back to the room' Robert smiled.
'Wait, let's get a pic of us before we go. We can add it to the album!' Aaron smiled.
'Aww look who is getting cute!' Robert squealed.

(a/n: it's danny and ryan but still it's nice don't u think)

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(a/n: it's danny and ryan but still it's nice don't u think)

'I they left. Aaron's head on Roberts shoulder as they walked back up to their room to fall into bed, cuddling

a/n: sorry if is sooo long but i i think i did pretty well and it is pretty cute. wouldn't u agree

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