Chapter III : Learning The Basics

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(Art by: CreepyPSo)

Error quickly turned to face the voice, before immediately stumbling. A hand quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him from swinging his tail to try and keep balance.

Error flinched when he felt the skeleton hug hum. Geno's long white tail wrapped around Errors, making the dark skele-god squirm slightly.

"I-I thought... I thought you were..." Genos grip tightened on Error, holding him close. Playing along, Error slowly wrapped his arms around the other, though the feeling of touching someone was unnerving the skele...siren? Seemed to need it.

Pulling away, Error stumbled again. Geno tilted his head confused. "Error... do... do you not remember how to swim?" His voice held a tint of fear, as Geno swam around Error looking for skull injuries.

A large crack rested on the right side of his skull, it had been done by Ink mere moments ago. Knowing this, it gave Error an excuse for his lack of knowledge.

"1-I rem3mber s-swimming ar0und some rock5, s-so3mthing mu5t have h4ppen3d becau5e a1l I can rem3mb3r is w-wa-w4king up with my bl0od on a rock n3xt t0 m-m-me." Geno winced, looking at the wound before nodding.

"Come on then, let's get back home, and we can help you try and remember," Geno said before starting to swim off, only to turn around and see Error stumbling and his tail flailing around.

Geno quickly swam back to his 'brother' grabbing Error's forearm and helping him slowly swim back.

As they were swimming back Error got a good look at Geno's appearance. Geno had his signature red scarf, the way the clothing moved when they swam is almost looked like red kelp. His tail was a pure white, with pink fins on the sides outlined in red. The large fin at the bottom had 3 curves almost like a hooded veil. the under area of the large fin was a dark red.

The bloody red slash was still there, laying across Geno's chest, a reminder of what made him so broken back in Errors universe. That's when Error finally noticed Geno's eye glitches were gone. His left eye socket was still melted, but instead of the white glitches in place was dark green seaweed covering almost like an eyepatch.

It took awhile but finally they made it 'home' Error stumbling and flailing behind Geno as Geno swam as gracefully as he could, dragging a broken Siren with him.

"Yo Yo! What took so long bro?" The ever annoying voice of Fresh chirped. Swimming over to Geno, having yet to notice Error.

Fresh's tail looked almost like Geno's tail. It was a light violet, with light pink fins. The large fin at the base had spikes like Error, but the smaller side finds looked more over like Geno's if anything. As always Fresh had his signature 'YO_LO' glasses and neon colored hat.

"Fresh! He's alive! We thought he was dead, but he was swimming and hit his head.  And there was a rock- Maybe he got lost, he forgot how to swim-" Geno's rambling was forced to a stop.

"Yo! Broski slow down my man! Ya gots to br...eath..." Fresh trailed off finally noticing Error. Within seconds Error was hugged by a different version of the parasite he had grown to hate and avoid his entire life.

"Error! Man thank the gods your alive!" Fresh said, unknowingly dropping his 80's lingo. That's when Fresh noticed noticed Error's tail struggling to stay still. "As I said Fresh, Error hit his head on a rock, he can barley swim." Geno spoke up.

"Well I guess we have to re-teach this rad little guppy eh?" Fresh hummed, grabbing Errors hand to help steady the skele-siren.


Error was told to wait in the cave while Geno and Fresh spoke. It made Error feel like a kid in trouble with his principle. While the black skeleton was alone, he decided to try and pull up some information on this version of Geno and Fresh.

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