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From the moment Seonghwa stepped into the house, everything became a mess. He entered the infirmary room, and ran to your side, taking your hand in his. You were unconscious, and there were wires that attached you to some machines that Seonghwa couldn't understand. Hongjoong was still trying to run the tests to check your condition.

《How is she?》 Seonghwa asked

《I don't know yet, I'm still trying to figure it out》 Hongjoong replied 《I need you to step out, you'll only get in the way》

《I'm not leaving her》 he said, serious

《I know you want to be with her, but I can't work properly with you in the way》 he replied

《I can't leave her》 he said, tearing up

《You're injured too, you should go get treated in the other room. I'll run the last tests while you do that》 he proposed, trying to make him reason 《She will get mad at you if she finds you still injured when she wakes up》

Seonghwa knew he was using you as an excuse to make him leave, but he also knew that he was right, so even if he didn't want to leave you, he let go of your hand.

《Save her》 he said to Hongjoong

《I will》 he replied

Seonghwa spared you one last glance and then left the room. While Hongjoong tried to understand how to save you, Jongho helped all the boys to treat their injuries, then they took showers to take off the blood of those men from themselves.

Seonghwa gave Hongjoong almost an hour alone with you, before he came back even more determined than before. He didn't even ask Hongjoong if he was done. He took a chair and put it next to your bed, and he sat down, taking your cold hand between his. He looked at your sleeping form. You didn't look peaceful because there was a slight frown on your face, which made Seonghwa anxious. He worried that you were still suffering from the shock.

《Did you find out what they used?》 Seonghwa asked

《It was some kind of taser》 Hongjoong replied, his tone of voice weak 《But it was modified to be able to work on the biggest of hybrids》

Seonghwa closed his eyes, holding back the tears. He couldn't help but think of how strong the shock might have been, and how much you had suffered.

《Will she recover?》 he asked

《I don't know, I have never seen something like this》 Hongjoong replied 《It all depends on how strong she is and on when she wakes up》

《If she dies because of us, I-》

《Stop》 Hongjoong cut him off, harshly 《Don't you dare say it》

《It's our fault, my fault》 Seonghwa said, looking at his friends with teary eyes 《All I ever did was put her in danger.》

《She knew what she was getting herself into》 his friend explained 《She knew the risks and she still did all of this, because she loves us. Because she loves you. Don't blame yourself for this. She would tell you the same thing, and you know it》

Seonghwa glanced at your sleeping form on the bed.

《She will wake up》 Hongjoong assured him 《She would never let herself go like this》

Seonghwa nodded, trying his best to believe it. He couldn't bare losing you again.

You slept for days, and Hongjoong made sure to check on you night and day, without rest. He was glad to see that your condition was getting better with time, but it still worried him that it was taking you so long to wake up. Seonghwa never left your side, barely even eating because of how focused he was on you. The boys occasionally came by to visit, but none of them could bare to see you unconscious.

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