Drabble #1

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"Why do you allow yourself to feel this way?"

She looked up to him, an eyebrow quirking up in question. What was he talking about now? She was fine right now. She didn't feel any different. She was just trying to sort through her papers.

"Don't act like you don't know. You're hurting. We all can see that, so why don't you do something about? Practice what you preach, and talk about it."

She continued to pointedly ignored him, understanding what it was he wanted from her. She wasn't going to give in. Her problems were her own and no one else's. These were her feelings, and they didn't matter. His hand went out and grasped hers, stopping her flurry of movement.

"Why the hell won't you even get angry?!"

For a moment she paused. Her movements stopped when his hand came in contact with hers, and all train of thought went out the window. Her lower lip trembled as the feelings she had been suppressing rose to the surface.

"Why don't I get angry?" She murmured, repeating his question.

"Why don't I get angry?"

She stood up in an instant, yanking her arm back. Her brown eyes flared up with so much pain and need.

"BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Her eyes widened at her sudden outburst, as tears rose to stain her cheeks. "Because I don't matter."

His hand went out once more, grasping onto to the back of her head in a gentle manner. He pulled her into his chest, his arm wrapping around her waist. They said nothing for a moment. Just staying in this position. The only sounds was their quiet breathing, and the soft sobs that left her lips. Her heart ached. Years of pushed down torment and pain, bubbling to the surface. Even when she finished crying, she didn't know if she'd be able to talk about it. Her thoughts didn't make sense. She didn't know why she felt the way she did. She had always, for as long as she could remember, had always felt like the odd one out. She was constantly there for people. Constantly putting her life on the line for people who wouldn't do the same in return. She was always there when they messaged, always ready to help save the day but there was no one there to help save hers. There was no one there when she needed it the most, but yet she smiled anyway. She kept her head up, kept herself grinning like a madman while her demons stabbed her from behind. She wondered if this feeling would ever go away. She wondered if she'd ever be free of her insecurities.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered out softly, his chin resting on her head. "We'll figure this out."

She wanted to laugh in his face, and tell him they wouldn't. They wouldn't figure this out because like everyone, he would leave. Like everyone else, he would walk away. Yet she said nothing. Instead she let herself cry. She let herself feel something other than the constant happiness she radiated. She sobbed and sobbed, until she couldn't anymore. She quietly pulled away from him, her hands going up to wipe her tears away. Her elegant smile once more graced her features, her shoulders going up as she tilted her head and closed her eyes.

"Thank you."

With that, she turned and walked away. Her demons not as strong anymore, but still prevalent. She wanted to have hope in him. She wanted to believe that he'd stay, but history had a nasty way of repeating itself.

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