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I thought I could live in my dream world with the good knowledge that I could do anything...
But it can't be... I can't live with the idea of smiling all day and crying in the evening...
Every night crying like a little kid who didn't get his toy....
I don't want to cry but I have reasons when there are no reasons it's fault and if not the wine it feels like I'm nothing... That I'm a loser and I don't deserve to be here, that I'm not good enough for others...
The journey through paradise ended when I found out how cruel reality can be...
I feel like a loser... I feel like I'm not someone who makes a reason to cry...
If I ever die please don't cry because I want you to laugh and celebrate that I'm gone and i'm finally not worried here in this world...

Něco jako city🖤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat