Big cats

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Hey its Ashley,

This is the first book i have ever written. So i'm really sorry if there isn't a lot of details in it.

I hope you like it!


Chapter 1

It was the morning before december 1st. I ran up to my window and looked across our 100 acre farm "no snow yet." I said as i got my robe on and walked to the kitchen. "Good morning Juliet." My grandmother said to me as she pulled 6 cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Thats me Juliet Haily August, a 16 year old orphan. "Good morning grandma." I said. "Good morning" my little sister Bailey said walking in. "Good morning" me and my grandmother said.

As we ate we talked about the dreams we had last night. My dream was bizarre. My dream was about being a big car, running up trees and killing every deer i saw.

After we finished breakfast i went to my room and took a shower, got dressed, and watched tv.

I looked out the window and saw that the horses were already at the stable for breakfast. So i went outside to feed them. It was frosty and freezing, so freezing i couldn't feel my fingers.

I saw something in the corner of my eye something huge and black walked into the forest next to my house. At first i thought it was one of the cows, but then i realized it was too small the be one of our cows. But instead of running to our 1 story house i decided to dismiss it and go on with feeding the horses.

I smelled something foul, it smelled like rotting flesh. I followed the stench, and found one of our cows half eaten. I gasped and covered my nose and mouth. I ran back to the house half gagging half crying. This has never happened before. We don't have anything around here that could kill a cow. Or so i thought.

I ran into the kitchen and told my grandmother what i had found. She gasped and called one of our neighbors. Mr. Tucker. He came and inspected to dead cow. And then he said "I honestly do not know what killed this cow. Although it looks like a panther might have done this." "But i thought we didn't have any around here." I said unsure. "Well thats my only explanation." Replied Mr. Tucker


So that was the first chapter please tell me what you think, and vote.

Thanks for reading


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