Chapter 18

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Taylor's POV

I couldn't believe Ed just said that he loved me! It was definately worth interrupting Law&Order marathon.

"Let's do something else, then, shall we? I watched this episode like 1000 times, anyway", I said, playing with his hair in the process.

"Why are you touching my hair?", he said chuckling.

"It has always been a dream of mine, to touch your hair"

Then he smirked.

"To touch my hair?"

I slowly realized what he meant.

"You're such a pervert!!", I said slapping his arm playfully.

" wanted to do something?"


"And what that might be?"

Having sex with you? Preferably on my king size bed.

"Let's play a game. Hmm...Oh I get it. Here's the Sharpie. Draw me a...a tattoo!!", I exclamed excitedly.

Ed started laughing.

"That's the only thing my majestic mind couldn't imagine. Taylor Swift with a tattoo"

"Very funny", I tried to look annoyed, but soon my laughter filled the room too.

"Where do you want this tattoo to be?"

"Anywhere you'd like", I smirked.

"Oh, so this is your excuse for getting naked, I see"

I started blushing really hard. Damn, you. Just be sexy for a second!

"Just do it!"

"This would be a perfect script for Nike commercial!"

"Shut up and start already!"

And he did.

His fingers gently lifted my shirt, almost exposing my breasts.

He started drawing, quickly turning his attention to me.

"Don't look! It will be a suprise."

So, I closed my eyes. The only thing I heared was mine hestatic breathing. The only thing I felt was bliss.

Oh, how I wanted to feel his hands on me everyday.

I could imagine me and Ed living together. It might be too soon, but that's the only thing that could make me even more happy than I am right now.

I would wake up in Ed's arms, sun shining on our tangled bodies. My first impulse would be to peck Ed's lips, but he wouldn't wake up, because he's a hard sleeper. I would make my way to our kitchen, going through the hall full of pictures of me and Ed and all of our friends. My hands would work themselves out and I would make coffee and pancakes for my sleeping lover. He would come up beside me and would start kissing my neck. All of those kisses would lead to something more after our breakfast. We would take that into our living room, later watching TV. Of course, we would have goofy conversations and would probably have tons of ridicouless bets and childish games. We would have tons of parties every week and would invite all of our closest friends. But, this time, when someone dares us to kiss, we wouldn't hesitate.

'"I'm done, love", Ed said, startling me.

I sat up and got to the mirror. The tattoo was the two of us holding hands and walking into the sunset.

"Aww, this is so cute!! Thanks Eddy"

I kissed him on the cheek, making him blush.

But now, my tattoo will be covered with my T-shirt..

"Do you have scissors?", I asked.

"I do, actually. Why?", he asked looking at me funny.

"Give me them"

"Okay...?", he said quiestioningly while sitting up and putting scissors in my hand after finding them.

I took a deep breath, starting to cut my shirt and soon enough half of it was on the floor.

"What the fuck, Taylor?", Ed said seemingly very confused, but after a few moments his laughter filled the hotel room, mine following afterwards.

"And now your art can finally see the light!", I said giggling.

His laughter stopped after a few minutes.

"Wanna draw me a one, too?", he asked, his voice more serious.

"Sure", I said smiling.

I now realized that I did smile around Ed very often.

Why wouldn't I?

He's all that I ever wanted. And now that I finally got him, this smile will never leave my face.

I took a Sharpie out of his hand, our fingers touching, making me blush as a course of electricity flew through my veins.

My hands took his arm and grasped it firmly. I was going to draw a tattoo at the highest point of his arm, where it meets his shoulder.


I looked at Ed, admiring my handiwork. I drew a couch, a TV and a 3 cats, 'cause that was always our idea of a perfect hangout.

It wasn't any thing special like Ed's, besides, even if I wanted to draw something really cool, I couldn't.

I can't even draw a normal couch, for God's sake!!

Ed got to mirror, looking at a tattoo. His lips went into a frown and he took the pen, bringing it to the tattoo that I just draw.

"Hey! What're you doing!?"

He wrote something, and looked himself at the mirror again, looking satisfied.

"What did you doo?", I asked him curiosly.

My feet made a few steps to him as I looked at the tattoo a little better.

A little bit higher from my drawing were written a few words in his messy writing.

I think I know you better now.

Aww that is the cutest thing ever!!

I had to kiss him.

My hands made their way to his hair, my lips colliding with his.

As the thousands of butterflies filled my whole being, I finally understood what true love really meant.

It was like a paradise.

But will someone of us bite the apple?

Heyyy!! I know I didn't update for a long time and I'm sorry, just didn't have any ideas, but now I've got plenty of them, so yaay :) If you want to find out what they are you're going to have to vote or comment!! Oooh, I am so mean, right? Bwahahahah!! Okay, not really... Just ignore my awkwardness and click 'the button' babee :* Oh, and sorry it was a little bit shorter than usual, it gets better!!

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