chapter 5 half & Half, icyhot

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No Pov

Izuku: so just wondering what can your stand do exactly

Vanilla ice: find you Stan can eat me in itself creating a void in the world which we can move around in and everything that touches it is destroyed

Izuku: extremely powerful stand so how to get you know lord DIO

Vanilla Ice: He gave me a 2nd chance at life

Izuku: he was always a good man

Izuku grams of bag of blood from a cooler in the mansion and throws it at Vanilla Ice

Izuku: Your a Vampire right

( you didn't lights will be shortened to V.I)

V.i: yes lord Izuku

Izuku: Vanilla Ice don't bother with the Lord Business because we are all equals in this game of chess

V.I: Understood

Time skip

Izuku has changed schools in this time to [insert school name]

Izuku is currently walking to the school eventually he reached his classroom door and his teacher told the class that he was a new student and introduce himself

Izuku: my name is Izuku Midori,
I am 15 years old, by my clothing you can tell I'm a priest

Meanwhile todoroki pov

I heard the new student call out his name as izuku my heart skipped a beat herring his name... my zuzu

No Pov

Izuku was walking to his seat, izuku then stoped by todoroki's seat

Izuku: Hey todo

Todoroki: H-hey Zuzu

Izuku then walked to his seat, everyone's mouth agape having seen todoroki studer

Time skip

Izuku walks towards todo's table

Izuku: Hey todo mind if i sit here

Todo: I don't Zuzu

Izuku sits down next to todo

Izuku: how have you been since you moved

Todo: good

Izuku: something's wrong I can feel it, what's wrong todo

Todo: I-i missed you zuzu

Izuku: I missed you too

Izuku wrapped his arm around todo

Izuku: wanna hangout Saturday

Todo: yeah broccoli head *Chuckles

Izuku: Ok icy-hot *Chuckles*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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