♛Chptr. 15.15 || ☆☆14th Bits☆☆♛

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☆☆14th Bits☆☆

♛➸♛➸ THE FOLLOWING DAYS of Jungkook's Departure ♛➸♛➸


"My Hubby❣️"


7:26 AM - Piss off.

(Friday Night)

10:15 PM - Not that I care or anything
but are you still alive?

10:15 PM - And I'm not waiting for
your text, so don't even
start with me on that!

(Saturday Morning)

*No new messages*


Fine. If Jungkook was so busy he couldn't even reply to any of his messages then so be it! It's not like he's waiting for Jungkook's text anyways! 

So he scoffs.

And scoffs.

And scoffs more.


"My Hubby❣️"

(Saturday Night)

*No new messages*


He's definitely not waiting.


"My Hubby❣️"

(Sunday Morning)

*No new messages*


He's not. Nah-Uh.


"My Hubby❣️"

(Sunday Night)

*No new messages*


He doesn't care if Jungkook hadn't texted him for a whole week now. What's the big deal anyway. It's not like it was Jungkook's responsibility to text him every single day in the first place. 

It doesn't bother him at all. 

He could continue living.

He won't wait for a reply anymore (Well, it's not like he's waiting for one, don't get him wrong). But seriously this time he won't-- Oh fuck it!

He gives up.


To: "My Hubby❣️"

11:11 PM - I miss you. . .


There was still no reply from Jungkook after 30 minutes so he waited.

No new messages even after an hour.

No new messages after two hours.

No new messages after three hours.

After four hours. . .

And five. . .

And the following days after that.


☔️How do you feel? (─‿‿─)

Do you smell that though? *sniffs the air* 
Oh, right. That's the smell of "ANGST" burning to come in any time soon, I almost forgot.

The Next Update will be an "Official Full Chapter" btw 😋
And the horrible version of this Crazy Bean is about to get activated so ready yourself.
Since you know how nice I am.


♛The Dense and The Denser♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now