Chapter 3. Something About Raven

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Jacob eagerly skipped his last class, leaving school for the day.

He planned to take another ride by the Forks High School. He looked forward to seeing Raven again, figuring he needed to know more about her to satisfy the curiosity he'd experienced over the weekend. As he drove to Forks, he realized he hadn't thought about Nessie or Bella for those days, either, which was unusual for him. But if occupying his mind with Raven helped, so be it.

He also hadn't been out to see any of the guys. After Bella and Edward took Nessie away, he didn't want to hang around any of the others with their imprints. Even though it was only temporary, the void Nessie's absence left hurt. Starting to feel more like himself, he made a mental note to go by Sam's place later, just to touch base and see what, if anything, was up.

Exactly as he hoped, Raven was on her way home from school. He drove up beside her and smiled. She stopped in her tracks, cocking a bewildered eyebrow at him. "Hi," she said.

Turning the ignition off, he started to say he was just in the neighborhood but stopped short of it and said, "I just wanted to come by and see you."

Looking away, a glint of rosy coloring seeped through her cheeks. She turned back to face him, her lips parting then falling closed without uttering a response.

Jacob chuckled. "Sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"You didn't. I'm just not comfortable talking with guys," she revealed. "I never know what to say."

"Well lucky for us, I'm good at talking with girls." He grinned. "Can I walk with you again?"

"For a little while," she replied, scanning the area with a worried expression on her face.

In one swift, nearly invisible move, he slipped off the bike and was standing beside her. She did a double take, confused, reminding him he needed to be careful around her. Clearing her throat, she tilted her head, tugging gently at her earring. It was easy to see she was more edgy than the first time he spoke to her.

"Is there something wrong, or is it just me?" he teased, attempting to lighten her mood.

"Can we walk through the alley this time?"

"Sure." He shrugged. Jacob didn't need her to explain why. He knew it had something to do with her domineering father.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters or is it just you?" Jacob paced himself; not sure how long Raven would allow him to walk with her and not in hurry to reach her house. He considered how much trouble she might have gotten into the last time and didn't want to put her in that position again.

"It's just me now. My older brother is in the Army." She seemed more at ease once they got into the alleyway. "We moved here because my dad has relatives in the area."

He asked her how she liked Forks so far and how she was adjusting to life in a small town, an obvious gigantic change from a big Texas City like San Antonio. He felt her tense disposition diminishing, getting more comfortable with every step and every word she spoke. He smiled, pleased when he realized he no longer had to pry to get her to say something. She was asking him several questions of her own.

"Hey, I thought you weren't good at talking to guys?" He squinted, pretending to be suspicious.

A warm blush emerged at the remark. "Well, you got me talking, so now you need to shut up and listen." She smirked.

Jacob laughed under his breath. "Talk all you want. I like it. You have a nice voice. You sounded good singing, by the way."

"What?" she asked in surprise.

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