Chapter 12: A Warning To All

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im sorry for the delay and im sorry this is short
i hope you like the new chapter //

" Holy mother of God. "

" Signore Speedwagon. "

The ruffian snapped his head towards the Italian almost too quickly, to which the Italian put a finger over his lips to stay silent. Robert pursed his lips as he returned his attention to the sight, and by Gods, even for a man who had lived in the slums in his entire life, never had he seen anything this grotesque.

A woman in a pink tattered dress was hung like a puppet. Head and limbs severed, torso cut in half. It looked just like a puppet, and it would be called pretty if it weren't so messed up. Its eyes were gauged out too and so were her guts, stomach left open. Her corpse reeked of rotten flesh and blood. Its body is barely connected, held with thin strings.

Another corpse was found in the corner. She seemed to be fine overall, considered how there were barely any injuries on her body. She wore a tattered teal nightgown. Her red-rimmed eyes are opened wide, cheeks stain with dried tears. She was tied her wrists and ankles into professional knots, and a saliva soaked gag was around her opened mouth.

" This one must be Angelina Triton, " William muttered, looking up at her hanging corpse with the blankest of expressions. He turned to the other, " And she must be Alice Triton. " " The rich and well-known Triton Sisters, are they? " Robert questioned, and William simply nods.

Robert approached the dead woman on the side, crouching down as he gingerly placed his finger under her chin, taking a closer look. He traced back to where she stared at, towards her dead sister. His face contorted into an expression of sympathy, frowning, as he stood, " Poor Alice... " He started, gaining William's attention.

He looked over to William, " Forced to watch her sister suffer. She must've choked onto the gag by accident... " William said nothing and turned his attention away. He walked onto a bloodied desk. His lips curved into a sneer as he picked up something, to which Robert curiously looks at.

" A star? " He questioned, the slightest change from William's expressions worrying him. " In the past few cases, the suspect has left tiny notes like this in the scene. " Robert got an idea and opened his mouth to speak, but was promptly cut off, " These are his victims' blood, obviously. " Robert shut his mouth.

" Inspect the area. "


The two returned to their office with the little they found. To Robert, he kept reassuring William it was alright, but it was concerning him on how angered and annoyed his partner had looked. They hadn't collected much; only the blood-drawn star, a small piece of tattered fabric, and a tiny bloody feather.

William pressed his fingers against the temple of his head, a frown stayed still on his lips, his brows furrowed ever so slightly. A gentle knock came over the door of his office, and he straightened up from where he sat. He quietly sighed, calling out, " You may enter. "

The creaked open, revealing Robert holding files as he sent an awkward grin to William, to which the Italian couldn't help but smile back. " Hey... I, uh, also brought tea, if you're alright with that. " He softly chuckled and stood, making his way to the ruffian as he took the steaming cups of tea.

He flashed a small but kind smile to the other and was given with a bright smile that shone like the sun. He ushered Robert to the seat in front of his, setting the cups on the desk and the files on the farther side. " I got the results from the Hamonaja tech. That thing's really advanced! What's it made of? "

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