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Five years later 

There was I, cooking in the kitchen when suddenly Harry enters the kitchen with a scowl on his face and I frown while turning to look at him:
-You alright?- I laugh as he dramatically sits down on a chair, looking up at me with a slight pout on his lips
-No, my boss is an asshole- He mumbles, making me laugh quietly to myself.

He looks around for a few seconds before turning his gaze to me once again:
-Where's my princess?- He asks, making me chuckle while calling out for our daughter, who emerges from her room with a blue dress and runs into Harry's arms
-Daddy, mommy let me put this princess dress on today!- She exclaims excitedly while I turn off the stove and sit down next to Harry.

He looks fondly at her dress before looking at her green eyes again:
-That's great Cora, now go wash your hands before dinner- He says while putting her on the floor, both of them leave to, what I assume, get ready for dinner.

Things have been going great between Harry and me, we did have our ups and downs but I knew it was normal and we always seemed to go back to each other at the end of the day. These have been the best days of my life, especially after our daughter came into our lives, I think she truly is a sunbeam.

We got married not too long after Cora's arrival, and it was so perfect. Everything went well and everything was just so perfect, perhaps I was blinded with passion and didn't notice any flaws, but can you blame me?

They both come back, both of them wearing their pyjamas and they sit down in the table while I set down the plates in front of them before sitting down as well. Cora starts talking about how her day at school went and, as usual, when she mentions Adam, a boy from her class, Harry rolls his eyes:
-I don't like this Adam boy- He says and Cora frowns while side glancing at him
-Harry, they're four- I say with an amused smile
-Yes daddy, and Adam is my friend!- Cora says and crosses her arms for a seconds before continuing eating. 

I laugh to myself while Harry shakes his head:
-Maybe he wants to be more than a friend- Harry says suggestively and Cora lets out a loud and fake laugh before frantically shaking her head
-Not happening daddy, I don't like him that way- She states firmly and I smile while looking at her
-But you can like him if you want to, nobody is going to stop you darling- I say reassuringly and she smiles knowingly, shoving a spoonful of pasta in her mouth.

She continues her speech, moving her hands a few times while talking and I smile fondly as she speaks. I glance at Harry, noticing him looking at me already with a faint smile on his lips, which makes me frown:
-Tell her- He mouths and I widen my eyes as realisation hits me.

I keep quiet, silently waiting for her to stop speaking, and once she does I take a deep breath:
-Dear, mommy and daddy have something to tell you- I say and she looks up at me with a slightly confused stare
-What is it?
-Well, you're uh you're going to be a big sister- I say, feeling slightly nervous with her reaction to the news.

Why do I feel even more nervous than when I told Harry? It's truly odd in a way.

She looks at Harry, then back to me and her frown breaks into a huge smile:
-Mommy, that's so awesome!
-Yeah?- I ask, slightly amused with her words 
-Yes! I'm going to help you and dad taking care of the baby and then teach her how to be fancy and oh! I'll make a tea party with her an–
-Darling, we still don't if it's a girl- Harry interrupts her adorable speech and I secretly glare at him.

She frowns while turning her head to look at Harry, her lips slightly pouted as Harry lets out a quiet laugh. I get up, grabbing all of our plates and putting them in the sink:
-I'll wash the dishes!- Harry exclaims in a rushed voice and I roll my eyes while turning around, watching them as they get up as well.

Harry connects his lips with mine and we pull away when we hear Cora squealing:
-Daddy kissed mommy, ew!
-Oh, you're jealous? Come here, I'll give you kisses too!- Harry says and Cora runs away immediately, letting out a loud laugh as she sees Harry running after her.

I smile at them before leaving the kitchen, sitting down in the couch until they run to where I was, sitting down next to me and Cora cuddles next to me:
-Are you sleepy, darling?- I ask and she shakes her head while yawning, which makes me laugh and I scoop her in my arms, walking to her room and putting her to bed, Harry following suit. 

I put the covers up to her shoulders and kiss her forehead lightly:
-I love you- She says with a sleepy smile and I smile back at her, noticing Harry grinning next to me
-We love you too- I say, kissing her forehead one last time before Harry leans down as well, kissing her nose briefly and she laughs sleepily
-Goodnight darling- Me and Harry say at the same time and she waves at us causing us to chuckle before leaving her room.

We make our way to the kitchen, Harry getting to work and starting to wash the dishes:
-I really like the pants- He says with a smirk on his lips as I stand next to him, I look down at my pyjama pants with small sheeps in them and let out a laugh
-Well, thank you they were on sale- I state with a smile while gesturing to my pants as if they were very expensive.

He sends me a side glance, shaking his head to himself before proceeding his work of washing the dishes and I purse my lips:
-Thank you, Emma- He says suddenly, turning off the water and drying his hands in a dry cloth, turning to look at me as I frown at him
-Why are you thanking me? I did nothing
-Well,– He smiles, stepping closer to me– for giving me the life I've always wanted. I'm married to a wonderful woman, I have a wonderful daughter and another wonderful baby on the way, a few years ago if you told me I'd be living like this I'd tell you to fuck off.

I stare at him for a few moments before shrugging and wrapping my arms around his neck while he smiles down at me:
-You don't really have to thank me, I mean yeah you're a pain in the ass but…I love you- I mumble while he wraps his arms around my waist with a grin on his pink lips.
-I love you too and I'm glad that you are my soulmate- He says and kisses my lips longingly making us both smile into the kiss.

I pull away to look up at him with a wide smile:
-I am glad that we were meant to be- I mumble, playing with his curls at the nape of his neck
-I am glad too- He hums and pulls me for another kiss.

                            THE END

Here is the epilogue, I quite don't like it but I hope you do :) I love you all and I hope you enjoyed the story <3

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