𝟭𝟯. fight and flight

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     𝐂loud leaned against the wall outside the healing hut, listening to her friends and family discussing plans and other possible things they could do

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     𝐂loud leaned against the wall outside the healing hut, listening to her friends and family discussing plans and other possible things they could do. She was constantly sneaking in some words of advice or sarcastic remarks here and there. Sometimes, her way of dealing with her feelings is a bit strange, even she knew that. She tried to be less pessimistic but it often goes around and she just tends to be more sarcastically pessimistic.

     "I talked to the rebels," Korra said. "They said Unalaq's got the southern portal surrounded. Harmonic Convergence is only a few hours away."

     Tenzin stepped forward. "Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now."

     "There's no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is."

     "A suicide mission," Bolin said abruptly, causing the group to pause briefly and stare at the earthbender.

     "You know, I was in a similar situation once. My platoon had crawled through the desert with no water for a week! But when we finally located the only oasis for a hundred miles," Bumi started to tell while everyone listened in disbelief except his daughter who looked rather interested. "It was surrounded by angry sandbenders. I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above. So I fashioned together a catapult, and with the help of a few well-trained hog monkeys..."

     Somehow, it did make sense. Cloud thought. She flashed a beaming smile at her father, but as she was about to speak, she was cut off by her uncle.

     "Enough of your ridiculous lies!" Tenzin exclaimed, making his older brother becoming upset for the umpteenth time. "Can't you see that the fate of the world and Jinora's life depends on what we do here today?"

     "Hold on, maybe Bumi's right." Asami's voice entered her ears and she became delighted when she agreed with her father. Not everyone agrees with Bumi nowadays and it makes her sad. Under his silly nature, her father was a very clever man. "We don't have a catapult and hog monkeys, but we have a flying bison and there's a plane on Varrick's ship. Maybe we can attack from above."

     "What are you thinking?"

     "Mako, Bolin, and I can use the plane to create a distraction, and scatter some of the defenses. You, Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya can fly into the spirit portal on Oogi when you see an opening."

     Cloud darted her eyes between all of them as some started to leave to do their things. "What about me?"

     There was an interesting glint in the girl's eyes, and Asami gave her a warm smile contrast to the coldness around them. "You, my dear Cloudy, are coming with us━"

     "With my glider?" Cloud interrupted, her gloom had been replaced with excitement.

     Asami smirked. "With your glider."

     Soaring among the clouds seemed to be her most favorite thing to do but definitely not in this circumstance. She couldn't hear what her friends were saying from the biplane that Asami was piloting while the two brothers stood on both of its wings, holding them tightly. But when she noticed the horde of dark spirits encircling the portal from above, and the Northern Water Tribe soldiers ready to fight from below━the blood instantly drained from her face.

     As soon as the soldiers saw them, they began attacking them with sharp icicles. Cloud briefly glanced at her friends in worry before she swerved to the side, being forced to fly away as she avoided the icicles that were thrown at her small figure. Asami managed to dodge the incoming projectiles, making her sigh in relief before her furrowed gaze turned back to their enemies.

     She inhaled a deep breath, glancing at her friends to see them return the attacks while she prepared herself for her own attempt. Even if she was literally a hundred feet above the ground, Cloud abruptly clipped her glider shut and locked her eyes on her targets. Finding the perfect set of soldiers that were in a line, she scoffed before swiftly twirling her staff around as the wind picked up around her. When she grew closer, the soldiers' eyes grew wider at the sight of the mischievous girl.

     "Hey, guys!" Cloud gave them a big impish grin. "Sorry about this!"

     Before they could do something and retaliate, the airbender swiftly swiped her staff, pointing at their way as she airbends a huge air swipe, knocking them off their feets. Some even went unconscious from the harsh blow of the wind she controlled, which she slightly grimaced at. Oops.

     Cloud smiled in satisfaction. Before she could splatter on the ground, she flicked her glider open again and zoomed up above among the clouds, almost disappearing within the fluffs of air. She was having the most fun━at least for a moment━while defeating the soldiers, when she suddenly noticed a certain biplane falling to the ground. Its tail had been blown off by none other than Unalaq's twins, Eska and Desna.

     "No." The smile on her face faded and was replaced with deep horror and she quickly discarded what she was doing earlier and zoomed towards the plane. Hoping that she would reach them before they blew up to bits. 

     She'd hate to see that. She would really hate that. But she was too late.

     Her heart stopped when the plane crashed onto the snow filled ground, black smoke encasing the area around them. All she cared about was reaching her friends and see them without a scratch on their faces. Fingers-crossed. Cloud clipped her glider shut and ran towards the plane, airbending the smoke out of her way.

     Then she saw them, immediately dropping beside her friends. She placed her index and middle finger on their necks, pressing them hard to check their pulse. Cloud sighed in relief when she felt something beating against her fingers. They were okay

     However, her relief was short-lived when a group of Northern Water Tribe soldiers found them. One thing for sure, Cloud wasn't going down without a fight. She didn't even care that one of them scratched her face with his stupid ice shard. She continued to fight until she couldn't hold them off anymore. In the end, she and her three friends were captured and bound, getting dragged back to Unalaq's compound, waiting for someone else to save them.

      Only because, Cloud's father, the one and only, former Commander Bumi was nowhere in sight when they were taken into a tent. Cloud had hope, and she believed in him like she always did from the start. And maybe that's why she wasn't so worried anymore because her mischievous and wild father would definitely save them. He was her superhero anyway. Always had been.

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