Day 17: Poignant

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Poignant: Keenly affecting the senses

Next update on Tuesday

Taehyung P.O.V

My hand slowly reaches the doorknob.

With an expression of pure shock, I leave the restroom.

I didn't want to eavesdrop Jimin and Yoongi's conversation, but it was hard when they were literally in the same room as me.

My brain keeps its focus on Jimin's words.

"This is not my new haircut. I'm losing hair. I'm not going to get better,"

Is Jimin sick?

Does he have cancer perhaps?

Most importantly, are Jimin and Yoongi a ... thing?

Is Jimin ... gay?

My eyes widen.

There are no words that could describe the feelings I'm experiencing right now.

I'm about to experience my very first cardiac arrest once I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Tae, I've been looking for you." Jungkook smiles.

His smile could kill me any day.

"You seem very shocked, did I startle you? I'm sorry," Jungkook apologizes.


He's acting extra sweet today; the smiling, apologizing... I wonder why.

I'm about to walk towards my table, but stop as I feel someone hold onto my arm harshly.

I close my eyes in pain when I feel his sharp nails on my skin.

"We don't sit with him anymore. Not unless he apologizes properly," Jungkook grunts in my ear.

"W-what? What did he do?" I stutter as I swing my arm out of his grip.

"He ghosted us on the day of the party, remember." Jungkook chuckles.

So that's why Jungkook is so nice to me today. Because he wants to ghost Jimin now. I look down at the floor in disappointment.

Why else would he be this nice to me?

If what I heard in the bathroom is right, Jimin is very sick. I don't want to ghost him. He might need me. Not just me, but Jungkook as well.


"Yes?" he rolls his eyes.

"I think Jimin is sick," I mumble, ignoring the lonely tears visible on the corner of my eyes.

"So what? We all get a cold from time to time," he says.

"No, not that kind of sick," I tell him before walking off towards Jimin's table.

I'm sorry Jungkook, but Jimin needs me.

He needs me

right now.

I smile slightly when I see Jungkook sit down next to Jimin.

Jungkook hugs him tightly.

"I'm sorry, you punk," 

Next Chapter on Wednesday

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